Chapter 50

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Woo y'all asses gone kill me after this chapter 😩😩


December 25th

Matakana Island, New Zealand


"Wake up baby, come on." I mumbled to bey.

"Why baby?" She mumbled not moving

"It's Christmas, we got things to do today." I replied, she opened her eyes looking at me.

"Chris I got you a gift!" Jamie yelled. "Not bey tho ion like her!" I laughed shaking my head.

"Come on baby get up and get ready I'll be waiting for you downstairs." she nodded and I helped her out of bed.


"Baby I haven't seen those movies in forever, how did you get them to play it?"

"It wasn't me, I had some help." I said putting my arm over her shoulder.

"I love you." she said wrapping her arms around my torso.

"I love you too baby, we got a long day a head of us."

"What you mean long day?" She asked

"Just know by the end of the date we'll be closer than before." I said kissing her forehead.


After the hot air balloon ride me and Chris were just walking and talking. He was so sweet and thoughtful. I had to tell him, but I do t wanna ruin this day, it's amazing so far. I'll just wait to tell him.

"Baby my legs hurt." I said

"Daddy got you princess." He said picking me up bridal style.

"Baby I know I'm heavy."

"Yea, but if you tired I got you so relax." he said, I smiled laying my head on his shoulder. It was almost 8 o'clock, I drifted off to sleep keeping a tight grip on his shirt.

When Chris woke me up, we were now on the beach, alone. "You up?" He asked looking down at me.

"How long I been sleep?"

"Only 30 minutes." He said sitting me in a chair.

"What's this Chris?"

"Food." he said, I laughed. "He took a seat across from me. I needed to tell him before the night was over.


"I don't know, because I never wanted to go anywhere as a child I came straight home so my mom wouldn't have to be one of those mothers to worry about her child breaking curfew." I said

"I always stayed out all hours of the night." She laughed, I reached over grabbing her hand. I looked at the tattoo on her finger and traced it looking up at her.

"You're perfect, you know that?" I said, she looked down. I kissed her hand.

"Chris me and Ken kissed." She blurted out, my smile faded. I don't know what I felt, at the moment I only felt numb.

"You like your dinner?" I asked her as I picked my fork up feeling a lump form
in my throat.


"We got a uhm.." I trailed off losing my train of thought for a minute not bothering to look up, I used my sleeve to wipe my tears sticking my fork in my macaroni. "We got a boat ride after this baby girl." I said

"Chris baby, did you hear me?"

"No I don't wanna hear you." I replied.

"Chris we fucked too, a few days ago. I swear he means nothing to me, it won't happen again, just please don't leave me." She said

"What?" I mumbled

"I'm so sorry baby, it didn't mean anything. Nothing has happened since then I promise." She said quickly, I sat there kinda lost for a minute.

I got up from the table shaking my head about to walk off. "Chris say something to me please." She grabbed my hand

"Say what baby girl?" I asked shrugging, I ain't even bother to blink back tears. I let them fall, I could feel my voice crack when I spoke.

"Something." She looked at me desperately. "Don't leave me, I don't wanna lose you. You're so perfect and you didn't deserve it, just give me another chance."

"We're over, I can't be with you. I trusted you, I broke my rule for you. I had sex with you before marriage, I moved in with you before 6 months of dating, I moved so fast with you and it back fired."

"Chris it meant nothing please don't leave me."

"That's fine." I said gently pulling her hand off of my wrist attempting to walk off, but she made her way in front of me. "Beyonce move."

"What about us? A-and our son? You're just gonna give up?"

"I'm not giving up on my son, just you because you obviously gave up on me as soon as you laid back and let that nigga fuck you." I said, I was about to walk off again.

"I bet if I was Tori you would forgive me!" She shouted after me, I stopped in my track turning to look at her crazily.

"Don't you fuckin' bring my wife into this." I said

"Or what?"

"You cheated, not me. My wife had nothing to do with you cheating on me. Don't bring her in this shit. I gave you all of me, not half of me, all of me and this is how you repay me? I told myself, they are getting a little too close, but you my girl so Imma trust you. I trusted you, and guess what you did? Broke that fuckin trust, so now that it's broken, so are we. You were a huge ass fuckin' mistake, and I fuckin hate you man." I clenched my jaw as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Chris I-"

"Don't fuckin' say shit.." My voice cracked, and I shook my head.

"So he kissed you and then what?" I asked looking away from her.

"I-I kissed him.." She mumbled, I looked at her and she looked down.

"Should've fuckin known, so you kissed him, you let him fuck and I wasn't even thought about." I wiped my tears only to have more rolling down my cheek. I dug into my pocket pulling out the black box that held her engagement ring in it. "Fuck makin you my damn wife." I looked at the box for a minute.

"Chris please don't leave." She looked back up at me with tears rolling down her cheek.

"We over." I wiped my tears, before I threw the black box as far as I could. I heard it splash in the water. "I loved you more than I ever loved Tori, and I thought that shit was impossible, but one thing I can say is at least Tori never cheated. I wish she was still here and I wish I never fuckin met you. I don't want shit to do with you, don't say shit to me unless my son is on his way. When we go back to New York, I'm moving out." I said

"Y-You don't mean that."

"I mean every last fuckin word." I gritted before walking off.


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