Chapter 45

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December 17th

Matakana Island, New Zealand


I still hadn't found the perfect ring for Beyonce, I wanted it to be perfect. She deserved it, she deserved this and a lot more. I just hope that I can give that to her. I made my way into the jewelry store instantly being pulled over to a ring case by Lanny.

"New ring just came in today, look." she said pointing. "Emerald Cut Diamond Engagement Ring setting infinity Black & White Diamonds band in 14K White Gold. Fits any shape and size diamonds." She explained

"That's the one." I mumbled

"I'll get it for you." She said

"Not that one, this one." I said pointing to the ring next to it.

"That one really?" She asked, I nodded. "This Emerald Cut Diamond Engagement Ring setting features six Natural Fancy pink round brilliant cut diamonds channel set in a Platinum band alternating with white baguette cut diamonds. It has 7 diamonds. Setting infinity Pink & White Diamonds band in 14K Platinum Gold."

"That's the one Lanny, I know it."

"Well I'll get that one for you, what size you need?" She asked

"Size 8." I replied, she nodded unlocking the glass picking up the ring checking the size and smiled.

"It's a size 8 luckily." She replied, she closed the glass back locking it, I followed her over to the cash register. "I'm glad you finally found a ring, I wish you the best luck." She said as she typed in a few things. "$114,320.45, you want a bag?"

"Nah." I replied handing over my card. She swiped it, and handed it over to me along with the box. I opened it looking down at the ring, I couldn't help but smile. "This is the one ." I mumbled nodding. "Thanks Lanny, see you around."

"Nice meeting you Chris." She shouted after me as I exited the jewelry store. I pulled my phone out dialing Jamie's number putting the phone up to my ear. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Wassup?" He said

"I found the ring." I said

"Praise da lordt, bout damn time nigga." I heard him clapping his hands. "Made me wanna go to church with news like that." I chuckled

"Now all a nigga gotta do is finish planning this day and everything is set." I said sighing.

"You got this nigga I know you ain't nervous."

"I am, but I ain't backing down, she deserves a lot man and this is just one of the few things I can give her, this is one of the few things she ain't got, and I wanna be the first to give it to her."

"Ew you're sprung." he said

"Nigga so." I replied

"Aye at least you admit it, Trey ass won't admit it but know damn well as soon as Nicki say something he on it."

"He likes his pride." I replied

"Don't we all, but one day we gotta set that shit aside, my day hasn't came yet so I'm good."

"Jamie, you gone be my best man?"

"Me?" I heard him sniffle a little. "I just, its an honor. He sounded as if he were fake crying. "I just knew, I knew this day was coming a-and wooo I needa pray." he said

"Nigga shut up, over dramatic ass."

"That's it I'm beating yo ass when I come down there, you dun called me retarded, you dun tried to correct my grammar, and now you tryina clown my acting skills? I'm punching you dead in the damn throat when I see you."

"I wish you would nigga."

"Yo lemme call you back, I see a fine ass bitch. Aye baby did you come from Tennessee, cause you're the only 10 I see!" He shouted. "Ayo Chris I'm out." he said and the line went dead, I shook my head, nigga play all damn day. I looked down at the ring and nodded, I finally found the damn ring. I closed the box sliding it into my pocket before I got into my car.


I ran my fingers through my hair pacing back and forth on the balcony. I needed to tell Chris, but how the fuck was I going to tell him? How would he react? Chris is calm, and I don't think he would hurt me. I don't think he would leave me, but what if he does? I can't lose him. My phone rang and I picked it up off of the table answering it.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey boo, ain't heard from you in a while." Solange said

"I need advice, but promise me you won't go running your mouth."

"Beyonce this isn't one of your little friends, I'm your sister." She said

"Right, I'm sorry solo."

"It's ok, go on and talk." She said

"Well, the other day I was hanging out with Dr. Jones and like we ended up kissing and I didn't tell Chris a-"

"Fucking pause." She said, I sighed I could tell she was about to snap. "Beyonce you're fucking 33 years old, fuck you mean you didn't tell Chris?"

"What if he leaves me?"

"Wasn't thinkin about that when you let that doctor kiss you."

"I-I kissed him."

"Yo you ungrateful, Bey baby girl what the hell? You chased after Chris, you get him, he treats you amazingly and tries everything in his power to make you happy, yet you turn around cheat and don't even tell him? How long ago did y'all kiss?"

"2 days ago?"

"You really need to reevaluate yourself, you're a grown ass woman acting like a high school girl holding secrets. You're carrying his fucking child, he stuck with you. But what I will say is, there are a lot of women looking for what you already have, a loyal fine ass nigga, you got him and in return he gets cheated on, and the bad part about it is that you're not even gonna tell him. Don't say shit to me until you get your shit together, that was wrong of you." She said, I looked at the phone and she hung up.

"Oh my fucking god." I sighed sitting in the chair. I hit Lytrell's contact putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" She said after the third ring

"I need advice." I said

"Wassup?" She said

"Please don't tell your brother."

"I won't, what's wrong? The baby is ok?"

"Yea he's fine." I said rubbing my stomach.

"How far along are you?"

"7 months." I replied smiling.

"Aww I can't wait for him to get here." she replied

"Lytrell I cheated on Chris, I kissed another guy and I don't know how to tell Chris."

"Wow.." she trailed off. "My brother is a pretty understanding guy bey. He'll be hurt and he'll say some hurtful things but at the end of the day he'll be right back, you make him happy and he loves you, so tell him, get it out of the way and I promise you he ain't goin no where, take my word for it." She said, I nodded sighing a little relieved.

"I'm going to try and tell him, I'll call you later."

"Alright, don't stress yourself." She said

"I won't." I replied

"Ok, call me if you need me. Bye." She said, I hung up sitting my phone in my lap.


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