Chapter 5

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"I want to extend my stay here in Virginia." I said into the phone, the fact that I was only suppose to be down here for the Virginia Fashion week, I ended up leaving home late.

"Bet you have a tour coming up, commercials for cover girl a-"

"Honestly, I don't care. There's just something really good here right now, and I want it and it's really gonna take me some time to get it." I said

"So how long am I extending your trip?"

"Uhm..." I trailed off tapping my bottom lip. "2 months, I want to remain lowkey, I don't want nobody to know where I am." I added

"Yes ma'am." He said

"Thanks oh a-" there was a knock on my hotel room door, interrupting me. "Uhm I'll call you back." I said before hanging up, I tossed my phone on the bed before running to the door. I looked out the peephole seeing Chris.

I checked myself, from my breath to making sure I wasn't musty. I then opened the door and he handed me a white rose. I smiled, smelling it. "You remembered." I couldn't help, but blush.

"You know, I've been breaking my code seeing you these past 3 days." He said as I let him in.

"You'll be fine." I replied, I walked into the kitchen sitting my flower on the table. I walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch.

"May I?" He asked, I nodded as he took a seat next to me. "You look beautiful baby girl." he said smiling, I swear to god every time he smiles I melt. That smile could have me killing people. "So tell me..." He said turning to face me. "Why someone with so much money, power, and amazing looks continues to see a guy like me."

"You're so perfect, can we- can I...." I sighed looking down playing with my fingers.

"Don't get all nervous on me, come on now." He said

"Nothing, I'll ask later." I said shrugging it off, I really wanted to kiss him. How would I look asking him that tho? I honestly already make myself seem so desperate.

"Ok, my mother said hey." He replied

"Aww, how's she doing?" I asked

"She's ok, bible study starts in about 2 hours, so of course I gotta be out of here soon." He said

"Can I come?" I asked

"You really wanna come?" He asked, I nodded.

"Of course you can come along, I think that would really make my mom happy." he said smiling.

"Can I touch your hair?" I asked, he nodded leaning forward as I ran my fingers through his curls.


"Wooooow you serious?" He asked laughing as I finished another twist in his head.

"Yes, like if you actually look at her she looks like she could straight up be on a scary movie. Tamar Braxton's face inspired the masks they wore on the purge." I said, he couldn't help but laugh harder. "You know, her and Wendy Williams could be sisters." I added

"They could, maaaaan you're hilarious." He said, I started on another twist and he turned his head making it easier for me to twist his hair.

"I'll be in Virginia for the next 2 months." I said

"Really?" He asked

"Yea, maybe we could hang out more?" I said hopeful

"Yea, we could." he said shrugging, I sighed silently as a smile spread across my face. I was now on the last twist, and it was quiet. It wasn't awkward, if anything I was now starting to get comfortable around him.

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