Chapter 6

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"Your smile is amazing, keep that smile don't ever frown." I mumbled to Bey as I tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You sure you ok with this?" She asked looking at me.

"I mean who wants to keep hanging out in the house?" I asked, I gave her a reassuring smile. I was a bit nervous, I got out the car walking over to Bey's side opening her door for her.

"Thank you." She said getting out the car, she placed a kiss on my cheek and I chuckled closing the door. I wanted to actually get out the house for once. I woke up this morning, with Bey in my arms. I don't know how it happened, but she was there and I got spooked out again.

Why is it so hard for me to move on? I don't know, maybe I needed some type of closure? Who knows what I need, I just know I can't and won't get into another relationship knowing I haven't let go of my wife yet. It'll only hurt the next girl.

"You ok Chris?"

"Huh? Oh yea, I'm good." I said

Instead of some fancy place, we just decided to take a walk in the park. She grabbed my hand pulling me away from the car, I looked at her and she had a smile plastered across her face. Her smiling made me really smile, I allowed her to drag me away from the car.

"I have a question." She said, turning in front of me walking backwards, she now had both of my hands, I intertwined our fingers.

"What's that?" I asked

"What made you become celibate?" She asked

"Well, my mother raised me to get married and then have sex. I did exactly that, I waited until God placed a great woman into my life, I fell in love, I married her, and then we had sex. So I told myself I will wait until I'm married again to have sex, or until I feel as if the girl I'm with is truly here to stay." I explained

"I don't wanna give so much of myself to someone and end up hurt in the end, you know?" I said

"You're so cute, I love how sensitive and sweet you are." She said. "Most guys really wouldn't care who they shoved their dick in." She continued

"Well, I'm not most guys." I said shrugging.

"You're right, so how many girls have you kissed?" She asked

"Just my wife, oh and that little kiss you stole from me last night." I said smirking, she blushed. "You need to stop walking backwards."

"No it's actually kinda cool." She said, I let one of her hands go. Twirling her around so that she'd be facing forward. I then rested my chin on her shoulder, she giggled and I smiled a little.

She grabbed my other hand again, this time she intertwined our fingers. Me being behind her like this and my chin rested on her shoulder kinda slowed our walk down, but it didn't matter we had time.

"So tell me, when's the last time you've had sex?" I asked

"Uhm 6 months ago." She said. "I'm actually not celibate, but I don't mind waiting."

"At least you're honest about it." I replied

"There's no reason to lie."

"Some girls would lie tho."

"How long were you married?" She asked

"Well I was with her since I was 16, we got married at 18, and she died once we hit 20."

"Wow, I'm sorry for the questions I'm just a little curious."

"You're fine baby girl." I replied, I kissed her cheek making her smile.

"Would you ever want to get remarried? Or have kids?" She asked

"I would, but I'm still trying to get over my wife and it's already been 5 years." I replied.

"How many kids do you want?"

"Only 2, a boy and a girl."

"Me too."

"What would you name them?" I asked

"Alfonzo or Aaron for the boy, and Constance or Chloe for the girl." She said

"I like Alfonzo & Constance." I said

"You do?" She asked looking over at me.

"Yea." I said lifting my head from her shoulder.


"I really love soul food, it's delicious don't get me wrong tho, I do eat fruit everyday. I have to." I said as I played with his twists.

"I cook all the time, I learned from my mom so of course she used to cook for me and now I'm cooking for her." He said, he was between my legs with his head rested on my stomach. I had my legs wrapped around him, we were laying in the grass and it was pretty cool.



"You ain't who I expected you to be, I just sorta thought you were this stuck up woman who-"

"Thinks she's better than everyone?" I asked


"I get that a lot." I said, he lifted his head from my stomach.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover." He said smiling.



"Can you kiss me?" I blurted, he chuckled nodding. He leaned down pecking my lips softly, and slowly a few times. He pressed his lips against one last time, this time he didn't just peck them, he actually parted my lips with his tongue. His tongue slipped into my mouth smoothly, my eyes closed slowly.

I really felt some type of way, I felt as if he belonged to me. He was a passionate guy, and him being so passionate and sweet is what attracted me. His tongue danced around my mouth, not sloppily either. He kissed me like he wanted me, like he actually cared.

So I wasn't surprised that my heart was damn near about to jump out my chest. I wasn't surprised when I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. My arms naturally wrapped around his neck, as the kiss began to grow a bit more passionate.

The fact that the only thing he did was kiss me was what attracted me more. Usually any other guy would be just touching and rubbing on me, but not Chris. He was so perfect, I felt like he had no flaws. He's flawless, he's what every woman wants.

It went from me sucking gently on his tongue, to me slipping my tongue into his mouth and him gently sucking on my tongue. I smiled and so did he, he pulled away and I giggled before leaning up a bit licking his lips.

He chuckled sticking his tongue out licking my lips. I stuck my tongue out licking his tongue, his tongue then poked mine quickly it turned into us going back into the kiss. I tangled my fingers in his twists, placing my other hand on his cheek. After a few seconds he pulled away, looking me in my eyes.

"Wow.." he said

"That was amazing."


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