Chapter 4

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"Sorry sir, but she's not gonna make it through the birth." The doctor said with a sympathetic look on his face. 

"She what?" I said

"It's too much for her body to handle especially because of her past with kidney cancer, she wasn't suppose to be able to have kids." He replied

"No, you gotta save her. Why the fuck are you out here talking to me when you should be saving her!" I yelled

"She's not gonna make it, a-and neither will the baby." He said

"What?" I said

"I'm sorry sir, I really am but there's nothing we can do to save either or both of them." He said, I sat down looking down at the floor. The numbness feeling came over me.

"Chris!" I jumped looking at my mother, I got up sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes ma'am?" I said

"Baby you okay? I been callin' your name for 5 minutes now." She said with a worried expression.

"Just thinking about Tori." I said slightly smiling, my mom smiled.

"That girl was amazing, but don't you think it's about time to move on Christopher?" She asked, I shook my head.

"Not ready yet mom." I say, I heard a knock at the door. "I'll be right back have the scripture ready." I said to her, she nodded as I got up from the bed walking out her room.

Once I got downstairs, I opened the front door to Bey. I smiled and let her in, closing the door behind her. "I'm just about to read to my mom, you can come up." I said

"Okay." She spoke nervously, she followed me upstairs into my mom's room.

"Ma, this is Beyonce, bey this is my mom Joyce Hawkins." I said introducing them.

"I'm a huge fan, just call me Mama J." My mom responded as they shook hands. "Don't be so tense sweetheart, relax."

"Yes ma'am." Bey replied chuckling a little, I grabbed the bible off the nightstand. I climbed into bed, and chuckled looking at bey.

"Take your shoes off and come on." I said patting the spot next to me. She nodded, pulling her shoes off before climbing into the bed next to me.


I kissed my mom's cheek, pulling the blanket over her. I sat the bible back on her nightstand. I pulled the blanket over Bey, I looked down at how cute she looked while she slept. She looked a lot less stressed, a lot more relaxed. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving out my mom's room.

I walked across the hall into my room, I laid on my bed. Looking up at the ceiling sighing. "I miss you tori." I mumbled

"Chris baby stooooop." She said, I chuckled kissing her cheek.

"You know you can't eat that." I said taking the coca-cola out her hand, she pouted.

"You're a buzz-kill." She said punching me in the shoulder.

"You still love me." I said gulping down the coke.

"That is so true." She said. "Chris?"

"Yes baby?" I said

"You are a perfect man, don't ever matter what, okay baby?" She said, I nodded.

"I won't ever change." I said

"I'm serious, them niggas you call friends may laugh at you because you still go to church with your mom, and because you spend a lot of time with her, but it's ok. You ain't doin' nothin' wrong, they laugh at you and call you whipped because you're always doing everything I ask, but it ain't called whipped baby, it's called being a man, a respectful man. Don't ever change no matter what." She said, I nodded. "Promise me that you won't ever change." She said placing her hand on my cheek.

"I promise I won't ever change." I said, she smiled standing on her tippy toes to kiss my cheek.

"Now pick me up and take me to my room." She said holding her hands up smiling. I turned away from her chuckling as she jumped on my back, she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Chris?" I sat up as bey looked into my room.

"You ok?" I asked, she nodded.

"What time is it?" She asked

"Only 11." I replied. "Come on in." I said, she walked into my room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"That was nice." She said

"What was nice?" I asked

"You reading to your mom, a lot of men don't do those type of things for their mother." She said.

"Well, I feel like if my mom could buy me things and keep a roof over my head for 18 years, I could take care of her for the rest of her life." I said

"That's cute." She says with a smile looking back at me. She reminded me of Tori, I looked away from her frowning a bit. "You alright?"

"I'm good." I mumbled, I looked back at her smiling. "Come up here." I said laying down, she climbed next to me laying her head on my chest.

"How did your wife die?" She asked

"She had kidney cancer, the doctor told us she would never be able to have a child. She got pregnant, and once it was time for the baby to come, the baby lacked a lot of things and she wasn't strong enough to pull through." I said, even after 5 years I still think about this daily. I still feel like I could've did something, it still feels like this happened just yesterday.

"That's so sad, I couldn't imagine losing someone so important to me." She said

"It hurts, a lot." I said

"How do you do it? How do you keep going?" She asked

"My mother, and my sister. Without me, my sister wouldn't be in med school, and my mother would be homeless or struggling to keep a house." I said.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a car salesman." I replied

"What's your favorite color?" She asked looking up at me, I chuckled.

"Uh red." I said shrugging

"Favorite movie?"


"Who do you look up to?"

"Michael Jackson."

"What do you like to do when you aren't working or helping your mother?"

"Graffiti." I replied, she nodded smiling a little.

"What about you? What's your favorite color?"

"Uhm gold and pink."

"Favorite movie?"


"Who do you look up to?" She was quiet for a minute.

"Michelle Obama." She said

"What do you do when you ain't workin'?" I asked

"Dancing, swimming, maybe writing or reading." She said, she was too much like Tori. This is just another reason I don't want to be with her. I couldn't do it, even if I wanted to.

I wasn't over Tori, I just took my wedding ring off 3 months ago. That was hard, but I'm trying to take it step by step.


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