Chapter 35

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Y'all mfs got 3 updates because I ain't update in hellas, y'all better be happy I love y'all 😒.


June 1st


"We have to Chris." Bey said


"Why not?"

"Because other people will be on the jet with us."

"There's a bathroom, baby we gotta fuck on the jet it's only right."

"You know, you be on 10 when you horny, you just be reckless."

"You only live once." She kissed my cheek boarding the jet. I chuckled, what am I gonna do with her?

"That's everything sir?" I nodded, before boarding the jet.

"Nice to meet you too." Bey said to one of the male doctors. "Baby this is Dr.Jones."

I nodded sitting next to her. Nigga was way too good Lookin' to be thinkin' he was delivering any baby of mine. Bet you his ass don't be one of the doctors that be between her legs. I'll deliver my baby my damn self.

I'm starting to get this bad ass feeling and I only get that feeling when something ain't about to go right. Dr.Monroe walked onto the Jet with some darkskinned woman behind her.

"I see you guys met Dr.Jones, this is Dr.Grace."

"Don't go near neither of them bitches." Bey whispered into my ear, I sighed nodding my head. This trip about to be stressful for me and I know it.

"This is Chris, and Bey." Dr.Monroe said pointing us out, I shook Dr.Grace's hand. I felt bey's eyes on me and when I looked over, she had the most evilest glare. I let Dr.Grace's hand go sitting back pulling my seatbelt on.


It was silent, and I was bored. I could tell bey was too, the way she kept sighing and occasionally poking me. At this point, excitement was needed.

I decided I would just go to sleep, i slouched down a little bit resting my head on my fist. I felt someone tap me. I sat up looking over at Bey, "Meet me in the bathroom." she mumbled in my ear, I looked over at her. Lust filled her eyes, I chuckled. She got up walking off.

"She alright?" Dr.Monroe asked, I nodded.

"Imma go check on her to make sure she ok." I said getting up from my seat making my way to the bathroom, I opened the door walking in. She was leaning against the wall. How could a woman be so damn fine?

"Come here daddy." she spoke seductively it rolled off her tongue perfectly, I couldn't help but walk over to her. She grabbed my hand sliding it under her dress placing it on her clit.

"N-No underwear." I mumbled licking my lips as I stepped in closer to her. She planned this out, she planned to trap me. She nodded, biting on her bottom lip slightly.

"Baby I want you right now." She undid my button on my jeans, she slid her hand in my boxers. I quickly grabbed her hand pulling it out.

"I got you." I replied, I kicked my shoes off, she smiled pushing my pants down along with my boxers. I kicked them off my ankles, I lifted her dress up gripping her bare waist picking her up, her legs automatically wrapped around my waist.

I bit into my bottom lip groaning as I slid inside her, she laid her head back letting out the sweetest moan. She gripped onto the rail that held towels while her other hand rested on the back of my neck as I took my time thrusting slowly in and out of her.

"Shit that feels so good!" She groaned out, I didn't bother to hold her waist any longer. I planted my hands on the wall biting into my bottom lip now speeding up my thrusts, I felt her nails digging into the back of my neck as her back arched.

"Shhh keep it down Beyonce." I groaned against her neck, she loved it when I groaned against her neck. I grabbed her arm pulling it so that her nails were out the back of my neck.

I slowly dragged both my hands up both of her arms, until our fingers were intertwined. She gasped as I pushed my body against hers gradually picking up my speed. I felt her grip tighten on my hands, she started grinding her hips meeting my thrusts halfway. She leaned up biting my bottom lip roughly.

I let her hands go, now gripping her waist taking my time slowly thrusting. I slid out leaving the tip in, she opened her eyes looking at me crazily. "Baby please don't play." She spoke a little bit above a whisper.

"I ain't hear you." I said smirking

"Nigga I sw- fuuuuuck!" She yelled out as I slammed myself inside her, I put my hand over her mouth, repeating the process. She screamed into my hand, her nails dug into my back as her eyes rolled back.


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