Chapter 53

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February 7th

Matakana Island, New Zealand

Christopher Maurice Brown:

"How do you do that tho?" I asked Dr.Grace throwing a rock out into the water.

"At first, it was hurtful. To just see a patient die in front of you like that? Life changing experience, it's crazy. But what I always did was got to know my patients a little more and asked them what was the last thing they wanted done or to be said, and I tried my best to make it happen, because if I couldn't help them stay alive, I wanted to help them with something and it always makes me feel better."

"Does every doctor have that method or just you?"

"Just me." She replied laughing, her phone started ringing. "Hello?" She said answering it. "What? We're on our way, we'll meet you at the hospital." She hung the phone up. "Bey's water just broke we gotta meet them at the hospital." She said

"Wait what? He isn't due until the 17th." I said running behind her to the car.

"He's early." she replied


"Where's Chris!" I heard bey yell, I ran into the room behind Dr. Grace.

"I'm right here princess." I said grabbing her hand rubbing her forehead.

"They said no labour he has to come out now."

"What? What's wrong?" I asked

"She has AB O negative blood type." Dr. Monroe said sliding her gloves on.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked

"If he doesn't come out now, there's a strong possibility Beyonce could die." She replied

"What?!" I yelled, Trinity grabbed my arm pulling me out the room. "What does she mean?"

"This means, Zahir has O positive blood type, Beyonc has AB O negative blood, her type of blood could be used to help anybody. Thing is, it isn't good for the baby, the O negative blood was in the sack around the baby he has too much of it, which means when we get him out he may die, but we might be able to save him with blood transplants, don't lose hope.. Do you wanna be in the room?" She asked

"Can she still die even if y'all do get him out?" I asked

"Strong possibility." She replied

"Promise me you'll save them both."

"Chris that's a promise I don't know if I can keep."

"Trinity.." She looked ate for a moment and sighed nodding.

"I promise I'll save them both."

"Grace I need you." Dr. Monroe shouted, she rushed back into the room. I followed her inside walking over to bey, I grabbed her hand leaning down.

"I love you so much." I said trying to keep from crying. "Can you be strong for me baby girl?" I spoke softly

"Chris I'm sorry.." She said, I wiped her tears.

"Shhh it's ok." I mumbled putting my forehead against hers.

"Happy one year anniversary." She mumbled, her grip on my hand loosened.

"Don't worry, she's just sleep." Dr.Monroe said, they had scissors, a knife and everything. I can't sit here and watch them cut her open.

"I can't watch this." I mumbled stepping outside the hospital room. I sat down on the floor letting out a deep sigh looking up. "I promise, if you save them both, I'll do my best to take care of them both. Please don't take them from me too, I don't know what more to do. Please keep them."


"Come on now Dr.Monroe you gotta move faster than this." Trinity said, she came out the room with Zahir in her arms Dr.Monroe came out the room rushing down the hall behind her. I went into the hospital room looking at Bey. There was a lot of blood on the bed, a lot of tubes and shit was connected to her. Her heart was still beating, I sighed relieved.

I was scared to touch her, I grabbed her hand kissing the back of it'll multiple times. She looked so pale and lifeless, it hurt. I could've lost her.

I pulled a chair up to her bedside sitting down slouching down resting my head back looking up at the ceiling, I wanted to cry. I was fighting my hardest not to cry. I took a deep breath closing my eyes.

After a few hours, Trinity came into the room with Zahir in her arms. He was crying and his arms were moving. I smiled, standing up as she handed him to me. "He made it." She said, I looked down at him.

"Wassup with those eyes lil man?" I asked, he stopped crying looking up at me.

"His eyes are that color now, most newborns eyes change colors until they find its permanent color around 6 months." Trinity explained, I nodded. I leaned down kissing his forehead.

"I wanna see him." I looked over at Bey who was now awake, I walked over to her bedside, giving her Zahir. She caressed his cheek with her thumb smiling weakly. "Hey baby boy." I felt so much relief man. I have them both, and I was appreciative. Trinity patted my back.

"Congrats." She said

"Boy am I tired." Dr.Monroe said laughing. "I thought we lost you both for a minute, I was so scared." She said taking a deep breath.

"I didn't." Trinity said she smiled and rubbed Bey's arm. "How you feeling sweetie?"

"Ok, just cold." She replied in a shaky voice she didn't look up from Zahir. He was staring at her too.

"You bring some clothes?" I asked

"Yea, their in Dr.Monroe's car." Bey replied

"I'll go get them." I said


Boa this the end, but don't trip the first chapter to the sequel is up. Go read Worst Man, the sequel and let me know what y'all think. Y'all might curse me out but hey it's all out of love.


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