Chapter 29

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"Here." Chris mumbled helping me put on his button down.

"What about you?" I asked

"I'm good." He replied, Xavier pulled up to the house.

"I don't wanna put my heels on." I mumbled, Chris picked them up, he picked my bra and shirt up before reaching over opening the door for me. As soon as I stepped out all I seen was constant flashing, I put my hand over my face.

"Beyonce is it true you chose your boyfriend over your long time friend kelly Rowland?"

"Come on baby." Chris said, I closed my shirt as Chris bent down wrapping an arm around around my thighs picking me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, laying my head down on his shoulder. I closed my eyes to block out the flashes. I opened them once we got into the house.

Chris walked up the steps and into our room dropping my shoes and shirt onto the floor. He laid me on the bed, I wouldn't let him go, "Bey let me go." he said

"Baby hold me, please?" I mumbled, he looked at me and I looked up at him. He kissed my forehead softly, he laid his head on my chest wrapping his arms around my torso. "I'm sorry Chris."

"For what baby?"

"Not defending you, I'm so sorry baby."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you baby girl."

"No no no, you continue to do that." I said smiling, he chuckled. "But forreal baby, from now on I just wanna stay to ourselves, I'm done trying to please the world."

"I love you." He said

"I love you too." I replied, I looked down at him and he was fast asleep. "Thank you baby." I sighed leaning up kissing the top of his head before laying back down.


I woke up looking around for Chris who was no where to be found, but then I smelled sausage. I got out of bed, and limped over to the dresser. I pulled one of Chris' t-shirts out and a pair of underwear making my way into the bathroom.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I went downstairs into the kitchen. "Good morning baby girl." He said as he finished making a plate he sat it on the table. He made another plate sitting it down onto the table, I smiled walking over to him kissing his cheek as he pulled a chair out for me. I sat down and he then took a seat right next to me.

After we prayed we started eating in silence. Until Chris spoke up, "Baby?"

"Yea?" I replied taking another bite of my eggs.

"I uh.." he sighed putting his fork down. "These past 2 days I ain't use a condom purposely because uhm.."

"You want me pregnant." I replied

"Yea, and it was inconsiderate. I should've-"

"You're fine baby, if I had a problem with it trust me I would've said something." I replied picking up a piece of bacon biting into it. "Can you come to the 40/40 club with me tonight?" I asked

"Yea baby." he said picking his fork up. "So if you are pregnant then what?" He asked

"I don't wanna be in New York, it's too much going on and it would stress me out." I replied

"I know so I was thinking we go to a small island, somewhere relaxed you know?" He said, I nodded.

"We'll look into it baby." I said as I finished my eggs.


"Chris you know Jay, that's drake, Jermaine, Rih, and Jamie." I said introducing Chris to everyone sitting in the VIP section.

"Wassup." Chris said

"Bey you really did it this time, he's cute." Rih said taking a sip of her drink.

"You want a drink man?" Jamie asked

"Nah, I don't drink." Chris replied taking a seat next to me.

"Bey I was going to dance you coming with me boo?" Rih asked

"Of course." I said getting up. "You gone be good up here baby boy?"

"Yea." Chris replied, I leaned down pecking his lips before following Rih.


"Nigga why you come to a club, if you don't drink?" Jay asked

"If you wanna be truthful, I don't go to clubs. This is my first time in one, and I'm here because my girl asked me to be here."

"You can't handle all that woman my boy, let me take her off your hands." Drake said

"Take her off my hands?" I asked

"Yea, you can go back to where ever it is you came from a-"

"Yo dude shut that shit up, I ain't goin' no where." I cut him off

"You need to disappear, you broke as hell." Jay said, I laughed and shrugged.

"You lil rich people throwing these lil broke jokes, if I was really just any broke nigga like y'all say I am, you niggas wouldn't be worried about me the way y'a are." I replied

"Ain't that the truth." Jamie said taking a sip of his drink.

"You can't handle bey, you'll be gone by next week." Drake shrugged

"And you can't pull bey, so what's your point?" I asked

"Yo get this nigga outta here." he said to security

"Sorry, he's with Ms.Knowles." The security guard replied.

"I just think it's funny how the whole world judges the dude and don't even know him. If the nigga making bey happy that's all that should matter." Jamie said

"Jamie you drunk." Jay sighed

"No sir I ain't drank nothin but 1 glass of wine, plus everybody knows I say what's on my mind. And this dude seems legit, what you do for a living Chris?" He asked

"I co-own the Chevy car lot." I replied

"Wait, Jay don't you drive the newest $50,000 Chevy corvette?" Jamie asked. "Oh Drake wasn't you just saying you were thinkin' about buying ya lil side piece a Chevy Camaro?" It was quiet for the longest until Jamie chuckled. "I'm just saying, everybody gotta survive." He downed his glass of wine sitting back crossing his arms, shaking his head.


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