Chapter 33

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May 25th

Bridgehampton, NY


"So we'll leave June 1st, correct?" Dr.Monroe asked, I nodded.

"Ok that'll give me time to find 2 other doctors to go on the trip, and contact some doctors over there and have them set up a place just for us." she replied, I picked bey up out the bed. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you Dr.Monroe, we'll call you in a few days." I said shaking her hand. I reached into my pocket grabbing the keys making my way out the room, I felt bey's hand on my face.

"Baby I love you." She said, I smiled making my way out the hospital.

"I love you too baby girl." She wrapped her arms around my torso snuggling her face into the crook of my neck.

Once I made it to the, I opened the passenger door trying to put her in the car but she wouldn't let me go. "Beyonce."


"Get in the car."

"I don't wanna sit over here by myself."

"I gotta drive baby."

"I wanna drive with you."

"Woman get in the car."




"Why not?"

"I don't wanna let you go." I chuckled closing the passenger door, walking around to the driver's side opening the door getting in the car. She lifted her head looking at me as I closed the door. She had the biggest smile on her face. "2 weeks pregnant baby."

I started the car, leaning up pecking her lips. I think I spoil her too much. I started the car pulling off as she laid her head back on my shoulder. She started kissing on my neck, I smiled shaking my head. "Daddy." She mumbled scooting up on CJ, she flipped her hair out her face gently biting my earlobe.

"You be really wanting me to rape you." I said trying to concentrate on the road.

"I do daddy."

"Come on baby chill." She grabbed my face crashing her lips into mine. I allowed her tongue entrance, I was kissing her while paying attention to the road. She lifted my shirt resting her hands on my stomach. I pulled away from the kiss, "Bey baby wait." Of course she ain't listen, she undid the button on my jeans.

"Just drive." She replied with a slight smirk.

"I can't if y-shit baby what are you doin'." I mumbled feeling her grip CJ in her hands, I looked at her quickly. She had an evil smirk on her face.

"Just drive daddy." I only nodded, paying attention to the road. She lifted herself up, I slowed the car down as she slipped out of her jogging pants and underwear.

"Beyonce what the hell-"

"Shhhh." She giggled pulling CJ out, she lifted herself up a little and I groaned as she slid down on CJ. She moaned loudly snuggling her face in the crook of my neck.

"You just couldn't wait, huh?" I mumbled, she shook her head no. After adjusting she started to slowly grind, she gripped my curls moaning sweetly in my ear. "Fuck baby." I groaned, I bit into my bottom lip keeping a tight grip on the steering wheel, using my other hand to grip her hair pulling her head back.

I leaned up sinking my teeth into her neck, I kissed down her neck slowly keeping my eyes on the road. She gripped my face roughly, I felt her nails digging into my cheeks. I allowed her to force my head back against the seat.

She started to bounce on me, I rested my head back on the seat taking a quick glance at her. She was moaning lowly with her eyes half closed, I pulled into the driveway of the house. I put the car in park before turning it off. I gripped her waist, moving her back and forth on me faster.


"I want different names, I don't know what I wanna change the names to yet." Bey said as she played with my lips.

"It'll come to us, I want the name to be different." I replied looking down at her. My phone vibrated, I sighed grabbing my phone from my hoodie pocket.

Jamie: We outside nigga. (3:04 PM)

Who's we? ~3:05 PM

Jamie: just come open the door. (3:06 PM)

"Put some clothes on baby girl, Jamie is here." I said, she got off of my lap and I got out the bed pulling a t-shirt on a long with my jogging pants. I made my way out the room and downstairs.

I opened the front door, "Wassup boy we brung the koolaid." Jamie said holding a pitcher of red koo-laid, I chuckled shaking my head letting everyone in.

"Where's bey?" Nicki asked

"She's upstairs." I replied

"You must be Chris." She replied, I nodded.

"This August, y'all gone get along just fine." Jamie said, I shook August's hand.

"Dis' place hea' nice."

"Hey everybody." Bey said making her way down the steps.

"This Trey." Jamie said, I shook his hand. "You already met Rih, Rih and August kinda date, Trey and Nicki are engaged, and this is my girl Katie." He said, I waved. I closed the door after everyone was in.

"Is it true, are you pregnant?" Nicki asked Bey.

"How did you find out?" Bey asked

"You know Michelle tells everything." Rih replied, I sat on the couch scratching my head.

"So whea' ya' from?" August asked taking a seat next to me.


"Me too man, started from nothing." Trey said. "One thing I can say is when you do have the kid, spend as much time with it as possible, don't get caught up in no type of fame. Shit almost ruined my family."

"When ya' got a good girl, you keep ha' around."

"I got the cups." Jamie said coming from the kitchen.

"Dat nigga thea'." Aug shook his head and I chuckled.


"I told y'all I aint trust them, that bitch just tried to kill her own sister." Nicki said

"Da' sister look Betta' than ha', she was insecure."

"That bitch couldn't wait until the purge came." Rih said taking a sip of her koolaid. Bey laid her head on my shoulder. Everybody was scattered across the living room. August and Rih on the floor, Trey and Nicki on the other couch. Jamie and Katie on the other couch and me and bey on one couch.

"Dat nigga shoulda knew them muhfuckas was gon' be on da' otha' side'a dat gate."

"This movie makin' me mad lowkey." Jamie laughed

"Wait y'all leavin' June 1st?" Katie asked

"Yea." Bey replied

"It's cool, y'all gone call us and let us know the gender of the baby, and we gone throw a video shower." Jamie said

"A what nigga?" August asked

"We gone throw them a baby shower, while they on facetime, duh." Jamie replied, is shook my head chuckling.


High school sweet heart (August Alsina) is coming back, and so is trapped (Chris brown) , but it's gonna be on g0ldenChiild 's page, we're gonna co-write the stories together, so they'll be posted soon go follow her, and be on the look out for those stories, for those of you who don't know the stories, still read them please.


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