Chapter 39

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I woke up hearing bey throwing up, I threw the blanket off of me. Getting out the bed, I picked up my boxers slipping them on before making my way into the bathroom. I grabbed her hair holding it up as I rubbed her back.

Once she was done I helped her up, I turned the water on. She rinsed her mouth out before brushing her teeth. I brushed my teeth also, after we were done she leaned back against the wall sighing.

"You alright baby girl?" I asked, I reached over placing my hand on her stomach. She smiled putting her hand over mine, nodding.

"Can't wait for it to just come out." She said. "I wanna name it Zahir, if it's a boy."

"It's different, why that?"

"It means bright, supportive, sweet." She said, I nodded.

"I like it baby girl." I stared at her for the longest. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, she was beautiful on the inside also, her soul was beautiful, she was just a beautiful person. I appreciate her, for carrying my child, being my woman, being my rock, and loving me. I just really love her with everything in me. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I'm scared of losing her.

She walked over to me standing on her tippy toes pecking my lips. "I love the way you look at me."

"How do I look at you?" I asked

"Like I mean the world to you, like you fall deeper in love with me by the second." She said

"Because I do." I replied

"Likewise." she said, I pushed her head playfully.

"I love you lil girl."

"I love you too old man."

"But..." I trailed off, she gave me a look and I threw my hands up. "I gotta go baby girl, you want anything while I'm out?"

"Why you leaving me?" She asked pouting

"Just gonna go look around." I shrugged.

"Can I go?"

"No baby chill."

"Why you don't want me to go?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"Because if you go it wouldn't be a surprise." I replied shrugging

"What wouldn't be a surprise?"

"Bey, don't worry about it. You want a-"

"No." she replied rolling her eyes before storming out the bathroom.


"I don't like that one either." I said giving it back.

"Are you proposing to someone?"

"Yea, my girlfriend I just can't seem to find the perfect ring, and I still have to plan the day."

"Well I know a girl that are good at planning events, Stephanie!" She shouted across the store, I turned around to a lady that was probably around 40 or 45 pretty short and a little bit of gray hair.

"Yes?" She said as she approached us.

"This young man wants to propose to his girlfriend."

"Well when?" She asked

"I wanna make the day real special so in a few months?"

"Ok, you haven't found a ring yet?"

"Nah, I want the ring to be just right, so that'll probably take awhile."

"Wow, you're different." Stephanie said

"What you mean?"

"Well any other guy would've bought the ring took her out to eat, you know regular proposal." Lanny the cashier said

"Nah, I'm not that simple. I just want her to remember it forever."

"So what's the lucky girl's name?" Stephanie asked


"Th-The singer?" Lanny asked

"She just so happens to know how to sing, she also just so happens to have a very good fanbase, but other than that she's just my girl, a woman that I'm trying to propose to."

"Right, ok. Meet me here tomorrow and we can get started on planning the day, I don't have anything on me today."

"Alright, that's fine. Nice to meet you." I said

"You too." She replied before making her way back across the store, I looked back down at the case of rings.

"Let me see that one."


"So you don't eat junk food?" I asked Ken

"No, and I don't think you should either."

"But I will." I said eating another dorito.

"Why? It's messing your body up."

"Chris doesn't care what I look like, so I'll just continue to eat my chips." I said

"Well, that's Chris not all men like their women eating trash."

"My baby ain't no average man."

"Pretty average if you ask me."

"Weeeeelll I ain't ask you." I said

"See th-" the front door closed, I looked over at Chris, he came and kissed my cheek.

"I got your jelly beans baby." he said sitting them in my lap.

"Thank you daddy."

"Babe not in front of your lil doctor friend." He replied chuckling

"What? Who Ken? What is he gonna do?"

"Ken? Like Kennedy?" Chris asked, I shook my head.

"His name is Ken." I said

"Really?" Chris asked, I nodded.

"Baby can you carry me?" I asked, he nodded picking me up bridal style.

"Where am I taking you?" He asked

"Uhm upstairs?" I said, he nodded. "Thank you baby." I said leaning up kissing his cheek, I kissed along his jawline.

"Baby.." he trailed off as he walked up the steps.

"Baby can I have a foot massage?" I asked pulling his bottom lip.

"Why you playin with my bottom lip?"

"It's so big and suckable." I said before biting his bottom lip gently sucking on it, he chuckled as we entered our bedroom. I wrapped my arms around his neck sliding my tongue in is mouth. He sat on the bed, I pulled away. I straddle him, rewrapping my arms around his neck.

"You really be on one, you know that?"

"Mhm." I replied, I took his SnapBack off his head putting it on mine. I stuck my tongue out licking his lips. He chuckled shaking his head."baby I missed you all day." I said pouting as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I see, you only get weird when you want all the attention." he said

"Damn right, I want all the attention." I said, he flipped me over, climbing on top of me. I giggled as he lifted my shirt placing kisses on my stomach, I smiled placing my hand on the back of his head. He rubbed my stomach in small circles occasionally placing a kiss on my stomach.

"I love you baby girl." he said

"I love you too." I said

"Not you, we're having a girl."

"No we're having a boy."

"Yea ok." he said before pressing his ear against my stomach.


Y'all really bouta hate me soon 😂😂😂 just wait on it


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