Chapter 23

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March 1st

Bridgehampton, New York

Christopher Brown,

"Ok just go help them, I'll worry about this." I said taking the file out his hand, for today being the first day we opened the car lot, it's been pretty busy. People really like Camaros, we've sold over a dozen of them today.

"Uhm I need help." I looked behind me at a short skinny girl. She was pretty, typical move tho.

"Hey I'm Christopher, co-owner. How may I help you?" I asked shaking her hand.

"I've seen you some where before." she said using her pointing finger tapping her bottom lip repeatedly.

"I've never seen you before." I replied

"Beyonce, you're with Beyonce. Right?"

"Yes ma'am, but that ain't got nothin to do with buying a car."

"Right, you're cute." She half smiled, I watched her eyes travel up and down my body slowly before she bit into her bottom lip.

"Thank you, how may I help you?" I asked

"You got a pen?" She asked, I pulled a pen out my pocket giving it to her. She grabbed my hand writing her number on the palm of my hand. "If that don't work out call me, or if she ain't doin' something right." she stood on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek before placing the pen back in my hand, walking off.

"Wow.." I said laughing, I walked over to the front desk picking the hand sanitizer up squirting some on my hand. I rubbed my hands together until the sanitizer dissolved, I looked at the palm of my hand. Her writing was no longer there, I sat the files down. I rolled my sleeves up, chuckling.

"Seems like you're doing pretty well." I looked up at Bey, I smiled crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't even know her." I said, I hadn't talked to bey since we broke up. She didn't look the same, she looked stressed, miserable, and sad. I picked my files up, I walked over to her grabbing her hand pulling her along with me. I walked around back making my way into my office. I closed the door behind her, I put the files on my desk.

"How you been baby girl?" I asked

"I've been better." she replied, I reached over grabbing her hand pulling her close to me.

"You look beautiful." I intertwined our fingers. She looked away from me, I used my free hand placing it on her cheek turning her face toward mine.

"I didn't kiss her, on my mama I ain't kiss her bey." I mumbled resting my forehead against hers.

"I-I believe you.." she replied hesitantly

"If you don't believe it 100 percent, I could show you."

"Show me?" She asked

"Yea, she still staying there?" I asked, she nodded. "I'll be over tonight, ok?"

"Can you kiss me now?" I chuckled before pressing my lips against hers, she instantly shot her tongue in my mouth, her hands grabbed my face pulling me down more.

I gripped her waist pulling her closer closing the gap between us. Her tongue slowly swirled around my tongue, my eyes closed slowly as the kiss became deeper. I picked her up sitting her on my desk, she used her legs to pull me closer. I pulled away from the kiss, instantly kissing on her neck before sinking my teeth in her skin.

I sucked on her neck, feeling her slide her hands onto my chest. She unbuttoned my shirt, wrapping her legs around my waist. I pulled the rubber-band out of her hair letting her hair fall past her shoulders.

Once she got my shirt unbuttoned, she wrapped her arms around my neck moaning sweetly in my ear. I created a few hickeys on her neck, I dragged my tongue from her collar bone up to her earlobe. I gently bit her earlobe, I heard her let out a deep sigh. Just as she reached down to undo my belt buckle somebody knocked on the door.

"Fuck." she mumbled, I unwrapped her legs from around my waist. I buttoned my shirt back up walking over to the door opening it.

"I can get those files now, boss." He said, I nodded.

"Baby hand me those." I said pointing to the files behind her. She hopped off the desk grabbing them, she walked over to me handing them to me. I handed them to him, he nodded his head.

"Here." Bey said putting a key in my hand.

"What's this for?" I asked

"The house, see you tonight." She said before pecking my lips. She let herself out my office, I smiled. I knew she'd be back.


I pulled into bey's driveway, getting out the car. I jogged up to the door using my key to unlock the door. I walked in, "Beyonce!"

"In here baby!" She shouted from the kitchen, I walked into the kitchen seeing her and kelly sitting at the table. "I'll be right back I really have to use the restroom." she got up from the table kissing my cheek making her way out the kitchen.

"Chris...I knew you would get her back." Kelly said, I nodded.

"I guess." I said, my phone started ringing. I pulled it out my pocket answering. "Hey sis." I said

"I really hope this work Chris." Bey said

"It will." I said

"Ok, you can act can't you?" She asked

"It ain't that hard." I replied chuckling.


"Alright bye." I said, I pulling the phone away from my ear sitting it faced down on the table. "What were you saying?"

"Nothing, you know I missed you around here." She said getting up from the table.

"You did?" I asked confused

"Yea." She replied stepping in front of me.

"Look, don't start this again. You cost me my relationship the last time."

"She don't have to know Chris."

"I will know tho." I said. "It's not ok to cheat, I can't do it. I wouldn't be Chris if I did this."

"Well don't be Chris." She said hugging my torso.

"Kelly get off me." I said

"Kelly you are really fucked up." Bey said, we both looked over at Bey. She move fast and quiet, kelly hurried away from me.

"Bey he was-"

"Don't you start lying." I cut her off


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