Chapter 9

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Today wasn't one of my best days, but it wasn't one of my worst days. I just wasn't feeling today. I felt gloomy, I didn't feel like myself. I sat in the car, in the driveway just staring straight ahead. I've been sitting here for an hour, since I been off work.

I don't know, I just feel like if I move on in someway I would be hurting Tori. I put my forehead against the steering wheel, a picture caught my eye. I smiled slightly reaching over the steering wheel running my fingers over the picture.

"Chris?" Tori said sitting behind me, she wrapped her legs around my waist, and her arms around my torso. She always does this when me and the guys are about to go play ball.

"Wassup babe?" I asked laying my head back on her shoulder.

"I'm pregnant." She mumbled in my ear, I chuckled.

"Alright for real what you need princess." I said looking at her, she had a serious look on her face. "You are?" I asked smiling.

"Yea.." She said nodding her head

"But I thought..." I said sitting up a bit

"I know me too, the doctor was shocked too but I'm pregnant for real." She replied

"Whaaaaaat?" Roger said looking over at us. "You preggo Tori?" She nodded

"Chris you gone be a daddy boy." He said pulling his phone out. "I gotta put this on the gram." He held his phone up, he placed his hand on Tori's stomach, I smiled along with Tori before he snapped the picture.

I remember that like it was yesterday, I was happy man. The feeling of actually being a father felt great, but I never even got the chance. I never got the chance to hold my child, see my child, hear her cry. I sat up letting out a deep sigh. I looked down at my fingers, I didn't even notice I was crying until tear drops fell onto my hands.

I sniffled wiping my tears, I heard the passenger side door open. When I looked over, I smiled. "Hi baby brother." She said returning the smile.

"How you get here? You're suppose to be in New York." I said, she reached over wiping my tears.

"Water pipes busted in the basement, so they gave us a 2 week break." She said. "Why you out here crying?"

"Tori.." I trailed off, she nodded knowingly.

"How you feel? How have you been feeling?" She asked

"Like I've been betraying her." I said

"You know.." she started, I looked over at her. "Bey is a nice girl. When I got here, she was reading to mom. She had also fixed mom breakfast."

"She's starting to get attached to mom...kinda like how Tori did.." I mumbled the last part looking down at my hands.

"Where has Tori gone Chris?" She asked

"She's gone?"

"She's not, and I was just like this for 2 years. Therapy helped me, and the part that helped me was a simple question she asked me one day."

"What was that?" I asked

"What was the last thing Tori said to me." She said

"What was it?" I asked

"She said when she's gone, she wants me to finish school, and be something. She don't ever wanna look down at me and see that I'm unhappy." She explained

"So what was the last thing she said to you?" She asked, I sighed laying my head back.

"She said, Chris if you love me let me go. Once I'm gone, it's ok to love again, it's ok to marry again, and it's ok to be happy with another woman." I said. "Then she said, don't let nothing change you. So continue going to church with your mom, continue taking care of your sister, continue being the Perfect Man. I love you with all my heart, to infinity & beyond." I said with a smile.

"You're young Chris, life's too short to be depressed like this. Yea, it was ok the first year, and I understand you probably won't ever love another woman like you loved Tori, and that's ok. But do you think she wants you put here crying, & unhappy?"

"Nah." I replied after clearing my throat sitting up.

"Exactly, there's this girl in here that's practically chasing after you and you're just out here crying. If she is brave enough to put her pride aside and chase after a man, she really wants to be with you." She said

"How did you know she was chasing after me?"

"Uhm mom tells me everything, I call her everyday." She replied with an innocent smirk, I chuckled.

"Figured." I mumbled

"So come on get yo ugly ass out this car, and let this girl in all the way not just a little bit." She said, I laughed flicking her off before getting out the car.

My mood was lifted, and I know if Lytrell can find happiness I can too. She loved Tori like a sister, they were so close it's ridiculous. Remembering Tori's last words made me feel free...

I followed Lytrell into the house, Bey was on the couch watching TV. Lytrell went into the kitchen. I made my way over to the couch where bey was taking a seat next to her.

"You've been crying." She sat up a bit, I saw the worried expression on her face. I smiled, leaning over pressing my lips against hers.

It took her by surprise, but she allowed my tongue entrance as soon as she felt my tongue against her bottom lip. Her hands grabbed my face pulling me in more.

I could truly say that I did feel something in the kiss. I felt something the first time we kissed, but now I think I'm ready to actually give liking her a shot.

My tongue maneuvered around her mouth slowly & smoothly, as I placed my hand carefully on her waist. I didn't want to be touch her inappropriately, I ain't feel comfortable enough to do so.

She gently bit my bottom lip pulling away slightly. She kept her hands on my face, our face were only inches apart. "You can stop chasing after me now." I mumbled

"Chris I can't, I really wan-"

"I wanna give it a try." I said slightly smiling, she sighed relieved.


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