Chapter 1: Starting a Journey [Edited]

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The sun beamed down on a rural landscape, illuminating the surrounding area and subsequently spurring Pokémon from their rests. Many Water-Type Pokémon dived under their bodies of water, trying in a futile attempt to squirm back into the darkness and reclaim their slumber. Flying-Types began chirping and squawking, many of the older Pokémon perching on branches in order to claim a breakfast for their families.

The smell of morning dew filled the surrounding area, becoming slowly woven with the smell of growing wheat and freshly picked berries. This was a smell that seeped into the houses of a little village. This was Kanet Village, a mostly agricultural location that Pokémon used to go to for settling down after a lifetime well spent. Over the years, younger Pokémon made their way over to Kanet Village and began to begin their own lives, having their own children as well.

One of these aforementioned children, an Oshawott, was sleeping in a bed, crudely built together with small logs as the frame. The unconscious water type rolled over in his bed to lie on his side. This proved to be a fatal mistake for the future of his sleep, however, as this exposed his unsuspecting face to the sunlight of the morning.

This easily woke the Oshawott up, who let out a faint groan as he began to scan and prod around a small desk that sat to the right of his bed with a groggy paw. After a bit of blind scanning, his paw was introduced to the all-too familiar sensation of a cold plastic container, which was clumsily pushed away from his grasp. This elicited a groan from the tired Water-Type.

He leaned further to finally grasp the container within his small paw, sliding it closer to himself. The Oshawott sat up in his bed, putting the container in his lap. Rubbing exhaustion from his eyes, the Sea Otter Pokémon opened the container and prepared for the daily gruesome battle of putting his contact lenses in.

Blinking a few times and allowing his vision to clear, the Oshawott looked over at a blue backpack that was sitting packed and prepared next to his door.

"Right... Today's the day."

That backpack was going to be the pack he used to travel the Sinnoh region. Every corner, every inch of it. Together with his best friend, who was the ringleader around this idea, he would adventure through the Sinnoh region to see what the world beyond held.

Meet Oliver, an intelligent, but surprisingly anxious teenage Oshawott who often liked spending time reading books, working on puzzles, and figuring out riddles that most found too difficult. He was decent enough as a battler, but was pretty much useless in a one on one bare knuckle fight. He more so preferred to train his mind.

As he has always said in the past, "If something's too hard, you're just not looking deep enough."

Getting out of his bed and grabbing a framed picture from his nightstand, Oliver kneeled down to his backpack. In his paws was a framed picture of his parents, a Samorott and a Primarina. Giving the photo one last smile, he placed it inside, right on top of the seemingly limitless amount of gear for survival that had been stuffed in prior. He zipped up the backpack before slinging it over his shoulders. He was ready for an adventure.

Meanwhile, an Electric-Type Pokémon hurriedly scrambled around his room, stuffing everything he thought he would need into his backpack with little care for how things were put in. There wasn't much he needed to pack for the journey. His best friend, Oliver, was a bit of an over compensator when it came to anything. Berries, a tent, and maybe some food he managed to get from some of the farms around Sinnoh, and he'd be okay. He wasn't as much of a thinker as Oliver, but he still knew his best friend like the back of his paw.

Meet Jacob, an enthusiastic, excitable, and oftentimes referred to as competitive Pikachu. Throughout his childhood, he spent his time looking for adventure with Oliver in the small village they called home. He was fairly extroverted, a far cry from his best friend's disposition. He was surprised that his best friend was so willing to come along with him in the first place.

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