Chapter 30: A New Grotto

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Grotto PKMN Center, Sinnoh

Logan opened his eyes once more, feeling better than he did back when he woke up that other time. The room was illuminated by the morning sun, so he was able to see better.

He looked over to Oliver, who he could finally see completely. Oliver's face had a few bandages on it, some even wrapped around the top of his head.

The Scorbunny tried to stand up and walk over to him, but his legs buckled, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Owww how long has it been?" Logan groaned, moving to put his paws on the floor to push himself up.

His eyes then widened.

His paws, moving up to his shoulders, were covered in wrapped bandages.

Logan quickly stood up to rush to the bathroom and check himself.

In the bathroom, he checked the mirror. It was the first time he had seen his own face since before the battle against Nidoking.

Logan's face was dotted with bandages, one specifically on his cheek where he had been punched by Nidoking.

Logan kicked Max out of the way, managing to get him a decent distance away. The Buizel looked back to see the Scorbunny, his arms flailing, his expression pained, yet serious.


Before he could utter any other words, Logan was suddenly punched in his face, his head slamming against the tree. Logan's vision instantly went black.

He thought about Max, wondering if he was okay.

"I have to check on him soon..." He thought, putting his bandaged paws on his hips.

He slightly winced in pain, looking at his paws. Despite the bandages, they were still in a decent amount of pain.

"I still can't believe all of that happened..." He uttered to himself, "It wasn't just a dream."

He turned his head before running to the bedroom door, kicking it open. He soon ran downstairs to the main lobby, which was pretty much empty.

He walked around, noticing that Lucy wasn't even at the front desk. He was the only one there. The Scorbunny could only hear the silent pitter-patter of his feet as he walked around the vacant lobby.

The silence was then shattered when he heard talking from an opening door.

"You'll need to keep those bandages on for the next few weeks, okay?" A feminine voice explained.

A masculine voice replied, "I understand, thanks ma'am."

"I'm just doing my job."

Coming out of the doorway was a Growlithe that soon left the Pokémon Center.

Logan looked at him leave before he could feel a pair of eyes resting on him. He turned around to see a familiar Blissey, looking back at him with a shaky smile and teary eyes.


Lucy rushed over to him and picked the Scorbunny up.

"How are your vitals, hon?" She asked, inspecting his body, "Are your bandages tight enough? Do you need a snack?"

"Put me down!" Logan squirmed, slipping from her paws, "I'm fine, can't you see that?" As he was speaking, the bruise on his right cheek was strained a bit, "Ow..."

"The bruise getting you?" She raised an eyebrow with a smile, "I have potions..."

"No! I'll let this heal on its own," The Scorbunny huffed.

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