Chapter 65: Weakness

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Metro PKMN Center, Sinnoh

Sitting in one of the many rooms of the Pokémon Center was Oliver, who was flipping through pages of the Pokédex Book. He studied each and every entry, trying his best to figure out the secrets of the mysterious book. No matter how much he flipped, though, he couldn't find anything relating to the missing page.

Leaning over to peer over his shoulder was Jacob, who was curious as to what the Oshawott was searching for, "So... You find anything yet?"

As Oliver searched through the book, Jacob, Sophie, Miles, and Akari waited patiently to see what the Oshawott thought about the new addition to the missing page, and the new puzzle piece given to him when Jacob and Miles went out hunting for Mew.

Oliver slowly shook his head, "No, I haven't. I've racked my mind over and over again for any kind of answer, any Pokémon I know that has a name with the letters I and N in it, but nothing. Every time I try to see if a Pokémon I've guessed is the mystery Pokémon, I find out that it's already in the book somewhere else... No redirects, no clues, nothing..."

"Awww!" Miles whined, flopping on his back, "I thought we found something big!"

"Don't get me wrong, you guys did find something big," Oliver interjected, "But without much reference, I have no idea how big this is... We're still absolutely clueless on what lies in this book."

Sophie raised a brow, "Well, you did say that the Cursed Archipelago had a large library with a lot of lost information in it, didn't you?"

"Yeah?" Oliver turned to look at her, "Why?"

"Well, if I got the date right, then we only have a little over two months before the Ion Cup starts," The Snivy began to explain, "So, shouldn't we talk about what we're going to do after we win it?"

The Oshawott shifted in his seat, "Well, there's no real guarantee that we'll win—" He began to say before he was cut off by Sophie covering his mouth.

"We have no option but to win."

"What? Really?" Akari piped up, confused by what Sophie was saying.

Oliver decided to answer this question, "She's right. The only reason why we came here was for the prize money that came with winning the Ion Cup. We get that money, we could give a good sum of it to me and Jacob's parents in Kanet so they can buy what they need to stabilize the economic imbalance that was created when they lost all of their berries. Then, we could use the remaining sum for ourselves and rent a ship to sail to the Cursed Archipelago."

"Question!" Miles raised his paw into the air.

Jacob pointed at the Rockruff, "Miles."

"What is the Cursed Archipelago?" The Rock-Type inquired.

Akari quickly joined in with a question of her own, "And why do you guys wanna go there so bad?"

"Well, it's the most logical place to go," Oliver answered, "Sophie and Jacob want to learn more about their powers, and I want to learn more about the PDB. The best place to go would be to that large library that is said to be there. It's said that there is knowledge in those books from before our era! There has to be information on what we want to learn about."

"Ohhh..." Miles nodded along.

"As long as one of us or Logan wins the Ion Cup, we'll be able to move on to the next adventure!" Jacob exclaimed, pumping a paw into the air.

Sophie's eyes quickly darted over to Jacob, "That reminds me..."

"What?" The excitable Pikachu looked back at her, confusion littering his face.

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