Chapter 66: Road to Ion

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Metro PKMN Center, Sinnoh

Sitting in front of a monitor, Michael waited for an answer from his mate, as well as his late best friend's mate to answer his call. He had paged them from the Casteel Pokémon Center a few days prior, and was expecting them to have arrived. After all, the walk from Kanet Village to Casteel city was just half a day's trip through Wild Woods.

As if it were on cue, the call was picked up, displaying the image of a Primarina and Sylveon, both wearing curious expressions as their eyes met Michael's through the screen.

"How is everything?" The Sylveon, Erika, was the first to speak, "The boys are still alive, right? You didn't kill them, did you?"

Michael let out an amused sigh in response to the Intertwining Pokémon's frantic questions. Erika had always been quite the eccentric Pokémon. It had been like that even since he met her. Always a tease, always playful. Well, that is, unless it came to the wellbeing of her son, Jacob. The Samurott knew why. In fact, most of the Pokémon in Kanet Village knew why. It was a direct response to fear. The fear Erika had about losing another loved one.

And it certainly didn't help that Jacob was beginning to tap into the same powers his father had...

"The boys are fine," Michael reassured her, "But I did want to talk to you both about them."

Erika raised a brow, "What's up?"

"Well, over the course of our training, I've learned a few things about them, and their status."

"Stop being ambiguous, hon, and just explain!" Olivia smiled, "You're doing the thing again..."

The Formidable Pokémon seemed confused by what his mate had just said, "What thing?"

"That thing when you decide to go on these long, endless, boring, exposition-y talks forever like you're some kind of character in a comic book!" Erika complained, "Next time one of those happens, I might have to write down every word and see how long they are on average..."

Michael looked at the Sylveon, his eyelids lowering. There was the eccentric side. She was a perfect match for Neon back when they were younger and had no worries.

"Well, starting with Oliver, he told me that he utilized the Dewott Style while in a fight against a strong opponent not too long ago."

"Dewott style?" Olivia seemed confused, "Don't you need two scalchops in order to fight like that?"

"Well, originally, yes," The Samurott nodded, "You would need two scalchops. But Oliver told me that he made up for this flaw by means of using Water Pulse to function as a secondary weapon."

The Primarina's eyes lit up, "He learned Water Pulse?" This was met with a nod from her mate, "I'm so proud of him!"

Olivia was over the moon to find out that Oliver, her little, reclusive Oshawott son, was becoming a more competent battler. She was aware that Oliver was more a scholar than he was a battler, opting to do more brain focused activities in his free time, but there was nothing wrong with learning how to defend oneself.

"It seems Oliver is taking a battling style more focused on using what he already knows and changing it however he needs to fit the situation. He's almost as combat smart as he is book smart."

"What about Jacob?" Erika soon interjected, "How's he dealing with that power of his?"

"I learned that Jacob has already started creating his own personal moves for his power, just like Neon had back when we were around their age..." Michael explained, "There's his Strike, which is just a powered punch, but then there's his Meteor Strike, which involves him punching the ground and creating an area charged with his power that is able to lift his opponents off of the ground..."

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