Chapter 38: Town of Tranquility

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Logan skidded to a stop, standing in a large field. He let out a long exhale, trying to calm his adrenaline before hearing something behind him.

"Logan! Why did you have to run off so quickly?" An exhausted Pikachu ran up, panting faintly, "We were taking a drink at the river nearby..."

Sophie walked up from behind Jacob, "Must be hard with an overzealous travelling companion, right?"

Jacob looked at her, a deadpan expression on his face, "Hey..."

Oliver then walked past the two, looking at the map in his paws, "If we continue down this path, we should hit Sapphire Town pretty soon–"

The Oshawott's thoughts were cut off when he was suddenly clotheslined by a wooden object. The map soon landed on Oliver's face as he groaned.

"Ooh.." Logan chuckled softly, "That was bad..."

The Oshawott took the map off of face to look up at what he had hit was a large sign. He slowly read over the sign.

"Welcome to the Town of Tranquility: Sapphire Town"


Sapphire Town, Sinnoh

Meanwhile, two young Pokémon were playing in the fields on the outskirts of Sapphire Town. The sky was clear and blue, the occasional white cloud decorating it.

One of the Pokémon, a male Rockruff, happily chased a female Zorua, who was laughing.

"I'm still faster than you!" The Zorua snickered, "You can't catch me!"

Suddenly, the Zorua transformed into a Lycanroc, running over to a nearby tree and using her new stronger legs, jumped up and transformed back to her original form as she landed on a branch.

She looked down to where the Rockruff would've been, but he wasn't there.

The Zorua was suddenly tackled from behind and off of the tree branch, causing them to both land on the ground, tumbling to a stop.

"I caught you!" The Rockruff exclaimed.

"Okay fine, you caught me..." The Zorua soon transformed into a Rockruff, "Your turn!"

The male Rockruff dashed off, only to suddenly bump into something. He looked up and saw the blank eyes of a Greninja looking back at him. Standing next to the Greninja was a Conkeldurr

"Oh... I'm sorry sir–"

"Where is it?" The Conkeldurr asked.

The Rockruff was a bit confused, "Where is... What?"

As her friend was speaking to the Conkeldurr, the Zorua drew her claws out. This was an action that the Conkeldurr noticed.

Before the Zorua even noticed what happened, she was sent flying. She hit a nearby tree, getting a small flesh wound on her arm, "Ahh! Ow..."

"Oh no!!" The Rockruff rushed over, bending down next to her, "Are you okay?"

"I-It hurts..." The Zorua whimpered.

The Greninja put his hand on the Conkeldurr's shoulder, giving him a look as if to tell him that he was going overboard. The Conkeldurr huffed silently. The Greninja began walking closer.

The Rockruff held the Zorua close to him, His canine teeth beginning to show a bit as a nervous expression spread across his face.

The Greninja's eyes widened a bit at the Rockruff's expression, seeing a small Froakie looking back at him for just a split second. He reached down and picked the Rockruff up by his neck fur.

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