Chapter 2: Battles of Flame and Ash

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Wild Woods, Sinnoh

The trio finally approached a clearing in the middle of the forest. Pixen's ears lowered as they same to a stop. Oliver noticed the Pichu's subtle action before letting out a sigh. He put a paw on his forehead, wiping off a bit of sweat.

"This is where you guys started your game, right?" The Oshawott asked, looking back at Pixen.

He nodded in response. "...Yeah."

"Okay, now all we have to do is figure out where we haven't searched yet." Oliver smiled, "That shouldn't be too hard."

"I haven't looked there..." He pointed to his left. "And I haven't checked over in that direction." He pointed to his right.

"Then we should probably..." Jacob looked between the two directions. "We should probably go right." Pixen and Oliver silently agreed before beginning to walk towards the direction Jacob picked.

"AHHH!!" A high-pitched and feminine voice screamed in the opposite direction.

"Ritsu!" Pixen exclaimed, turning around.

"I meant left!" The Pikachu shouted, the heels of his right foot digging into the ground as he turned around. "Go!" He jumped off of his right foot and into a quick sprint.

Pixen's speed was strangely quicker than his evolved form, dashing past him with a worried glare. Oliver was at the back of them, unable to match their speed. The Oshawott wasn't really known for his speed. He often lost races against Jacob.


A young Pachirisu groaned in pain, being crushed under a Charizard's foot. She tried to pull herself out from under him, but was unable to.

"Please stop..." She croaked, her voice sounding thin and raspy.

"Once you learn your lesson, I'll let you go." The Charizard snarled, the weight of his foot going down harder on her. "Or maybe I'll just eat you." 

In the corner of her eye, she could see a Charmander peeking from behind a tree. That Charmander smiled devilishly, his razor sharp pointed teeth showing.

The Pachirisu would've given him a dirty glare, but couldn't push through the pain. She could only groan in pain, hoping that someone would come and save her from this before she dies. She clawed at the ground as she heard her back crack.

Nearby, Pixen could hear the Pachirisu's groans increase in volume as he, Oliver, and Jacob approached the area. The Pichu's worried expression only became stronger as they all ran up to where the groans had been coming from.

Pixen was the first to arrive, a distance away from Jacob and Oliver. He panted as he looked around. He then saw a familiar Pachirisu, being crushed under a Charizard's foot.

"Ritsu!" The Pichu shouted, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he saw the Pachirisu. "Don't worry, I'm coming for you!"

"No!" Ritsu shouted as Pixen began to run. "Don't come any closer! Please stop! You'll get hurt!"

"Don't worry...!" Jacob shouted from a distance, jumping from the top of a tree. "He brought friends!" Electricity began to surround the Pikachu before he shot it towards the Charizard.

Suddenly, a scalchop blocked the attack, reflecting it towards the ground. Pixen and Jacob both looked back to see Oliver approaching quickly.

"Oliver? Why would you do that?" Jacob looked back to the Oshawott, his eyes widening in confusion. "I had a clear shot." The Pikachu hit the ground, stumbling a bit. As Jacob spoke, he put his backpack down near a tree, Oliver doing the same.

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