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Third Person's Pov

JB was walking towards his Mark hyungs' home. It was currently 7 am and he couldn't wait to seek help from his hyung. He also needed the help of GOT5 and OT8 but he knew they'll listen to Mark more rather than him.

A few moments after knocking, JB heard the door being unlocked. "Finally, what took you so-" JB was cut off when he saw a glaring Tzuyu at her.

"What on earth are you doing here? Knocking at 7 am on a holiday?!" Tzuyu said, she wasn't angry, she was irritated.

JB slightly laughed at her morning grumpiness. "Why are you laughing?!" she said more irritated upon seeing JB laugh.

"Love? What's making you mad early in the morning?" A voice said and Mark came into the picture. Or rather, Mark went to the front door.

"Oh? JB? Why are you here?" Mark asked, obviously more calm than Tzuyu. "I need to talk to you" JB said.

"About?" Mark asked as Tzuyu was about to go inside but Mark stopped her and hugged her instead.

"Oh damn, stop asking and let me in, i'll tell you the details inside" JB said and rolled his eyes, he has been standing there for almost 15 minutes.

"Tsk, can't people let us sleep til noon for once?" Tzuyu mumbled and Mark just chuckled at her cute rant while JB glared at her.

"Nope, not today, cause i'm planning to surprise Dahyun and ask her to be my girlfriend on our press conference 2 days from now" JB said 

"That's good, now can we sleep again?" Tzuyu said, like she doesn't give a damn about it. "No, cause I actually came here to ask for help" JB said.

"Can't you ask help from the others?" Tzuyu asked. "Sadly? Nope, I need your boyfriend" JB said and Tzuyu immediately opened her eyes.

"I thought you'd ask Dahyun unnie to be your girlfriend?" She asked. "I am" JB answered. "Then why do you need my boyfriend?" She asked again.

"For help? Duhh" JB said. "Oh, for a moment I thought.." she trailed off and JB got what she thought. 

"EWW CHOU TZUYU I AM NOT GAY" JB said. "NO ONE SAID YOU WERE" Tzuyu told him back.

Mark watched as the two bickered. "I AM NOT LOOKING AT MARK HYUNG THAT WAY, THAT'S GROSS" JB once again said.

"WHY ARE YOU DEFENSIVE?? I NEVER SAID YOU DO!" His girlfriend said. "Ok stop, we're literally getting nowhere with this" Mark said and good thing they listened.

"So what's the plan?" Tzuyu asked.

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mtuan93 updated his status

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I have a plan - @ImDefJB 2021

ImNayeonnie95: Is this what I think this is?👀

ChouTzu: It was a lot more complicated then the way Jackson oppa speaks Korean🤦‍♀️


JeonKook: Damn it would've been nice if we were there🤧

ChouTzu: The thing is kinda stupid so don't worry, nothing much to miss.

TaeVhyung: I don't even believe Tzu anymore, whenever she says nothing something ALWAYS happen.

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JB's Pov

"Help me on this one sis" I said as I entered their dorm. "Is she here?" I asked and she immediately shook her head.

"She's filming her last scene didn't you know?" Chaeyoung asked me "Ohh yeah, with Eunwoo" I said and nodded.

"Yeah, the guy you got jealous of" Tzuyu muttered and I glared at her. "You two about to fight or something?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I don't know about him, what's his problem?" Tzuyu asked "SHE CALLED ME GAY!" I exclaimed. "DID NOT!" She answered.

"I'M STRAIGHT AS HELL" I told her. "Oh my God, imagine if Tzuyu thought JB oppa was gay cause he was finding Mark oppa" Momo whispered and I looked at her. 

"She did that exactly" I mumbled and they all laughed. "What? He was looking for my boyfriend at around 6 or 7 am, he was like 'I need Mark hyung'" she mumbled.

"Shut up y'all and listen to me" I said and they all went to me.


The last part will be tomorrow and I promise to post it right away❤

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