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Kim Dahyun's Pov

"SHUT UP!" I shouted at Jackson oppa who keeps on teasing me. Well basically, after our shooting for 'Idol is best' segment, Doni oppa and Coni oppa suggested we visit me, Yugyeom, and Jooheon oppa's church.

Of course I didn't say no, and I kinda regret it now, Twice, Jooheon oppa and the whole GOT7 squad were here in our dorm.

Why? To listen to stories, technically mostly stories to tease me. "Did you see the look on the guy's face?" Jack asked and Jooheon oppa laughed along.

"There's this newly added guy in the choir and he joined the choir because he found out that Dahyun was part of it, the poor boy blushed so hard when we came in" Jooheon oppa said.

"OOOOWWWWW DAHYUN'S A HEAD TURNER" Bambam oppa exclaimed. "AND SHE'LL PROBABLY KILL YOU LATER" Yugyeom oppa said to Bambam oppa.

"OH DAMN IT RHYMES GUYS" Youngjae oppa said and hurriedly hi-5 the two as they laugh and felt amaze at their selves.

I could only shake my head as I face-palmed. "CAN YOU THREE SHUT UP?! WE'RE TRYING TO LISTEN IF OUR DONGSAENG HERE HAS A POTENTIAL BOYFRIEND" Nayeon unnie snapped at the maknae line of GOT7.

"Mianhae noona" they all said in chorus. 

wait- what?! 

"WHAT?!" I shouted and stood up. "Wae?" Jinyoung oppa asked. "BUSUNSURIYA(What are you saying) WHAT NAMJACHINGU?!" I shouted. 

"It's time for you unnie, you have to experience this." Chaeyoung said and I face palmed "or you haven't moved on from Eunwoo?" Jeongyeon unnie said.

"WHAT NONSENSE IS THIS?" I asked. "Calm down for pete's sake" Sana unnie said and rolled her eyes. 

"How to calm down when you guys are completely sprouting nonsense and who the hell said I like Eunwoo oppa?!" I asked.

"Wait you don't?" Momo unnie asked. "Hell no!" I said, "My poor Eunwoo will get disappointed that he was turned down by a small tofu" Bambam oppa said and I glared at him.

"Besides it's clear who she likes" Mark oppa said. "Waahh it's the first time you talked this evening hyung and those were the first words you said" Jooheon oppa said.

"No, he was talking to Tzuyu all along because they don't wanna join your crap" Jihyo unnie said. "And why is this crap miss Park?" Youngjae asked.

"Shut up, we all know who she likes" Mina unnie said. "Who?" the others asked. "Duh, stupid people, of course it's JB oppa" Tzuyu said and for a moment, I panicked at what she said but felt relieve when I saw no JB oppa.

Wait- NO JB OPPA?!

"Guys i'll just look for JB oppa around" I said and they all nodded before talking again

"Where on earth did this oppa go to?!" I whispered out of irritation as I struggle to look for him. "I swear if I don't find this oppa i'll-" I was cut off when a hand grabbed my wrist and dragged me to our balcony.

"You'll what?" He asked and for a moment I was taken aback, both by his action and his body being so close to mine.

"Don't you know distance man?" I said and acted somewhat like I was teasing him to cover up my own feelings.

Damn, if it wasn't dark because of night time, my crimson red cheeks will get exposed and i'll be teased badly.

"As a matter of fact, I don't" he said and went closer to me.

Third Person's Pov

"I-" Dahyun didn't know what to do that moment, she was flustered, she was shocked, she was blushing.

"I'm tired" she suddenly blurted and sat down on the bench in their balcony. She felt someone sit beside her and judging by the scent she could already tell who it was.

Why won't she? She have been crushing on this guy since the day they first met. If you ask her to list down the facts she knows about JB, you might think she's a stalker.

"Why did you suddenly leave?" Dahyun asked to break the ice surrounding them. "It was too loud" JB answered.

Not exactly a lie, but it isn't the truth either. The truth is he was so damn jealous. 

"Eh? But it's a good thing you left" she said and JB looked at her. "Why?" he asked 

Don't ask why! You almost figured out that I like you

"Nothing" Dahyun said as she smiled. "By the way, who's the guy Jooheon and Jackson has been talking about?" JB asked.

"Oh, he's actually a singer in our choir, and they say he likes me but I don't actually believe it" She answered.

"Why not?" He asked. "I'm not the loveable type of girl you know" Dahyun told him. "But to be honest I found that guy to be cute, I mean he looks so cute when he blushed" Dahyun said.

After hearing all these, JB felt all his blood rush to his head. He was angry, nope, scratch that, he was jealous.

Dahyun stopped talking when she felt his head leaning on her shoulders. "O-oppa, bohanya (what are you doing)" She asked and almost cursed at herself for stuttering.

"Let's stay like this for a few minutes" JB had mumbled. Dahyun felt soft, she couldn't do anything, or rather, she wouldn't do anything.

A few minutes had passed when Dahyun almost cursed because of what JB had just told her. 

"I like you" 

What? Am I hearing this right? I'm not dreaming now right?

She just sat still as her whole body stiffened. "Now is not the right time to joke oppa" she said and faked a laugh.

"I'm not joking Dahyun, I Like You" he sid and gave emphasis to every word. "Do you want to hear the truth or should I lie?" She had asked a dumb question.

"The truth of course" he had said and looked straight at her. "I like you too" she said in a very low volume.

But it was enough for JB to hear. He smiled while looking at how the girl had blushed after saying those words. No words were needed.

He held her hands and intertwined it with hers.

Right at that moment nothing mattered, but a thought bothered Dahyun

We confessed, so what's our label? Confession doesn't mean we're dating, neither did he ask me to be his girlfriend.

These thought bothered her but she chose to ignore those and focus on what's happening now. 

Surely he'll clear our label right?

She thought.

Will he?

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