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Third Person's Pov

They were professional at acting, yet they know they can never fool their friends. 

And they were right. Everyone knows something is wrong with the both of them. They were given applause because of their undeniably great acting.

Yet behind those cheesy lines, she was ignoring him. Even Eunwoo had noticed the change in their ways.

JB and Dahyun used to go to the set together, but now they don't even enter together. They used to have their own world during the breaks but now they go their separate ways.

"What's wrong?" Eunwoo had asked Dahyun during their lunch break. "hmm?" she asked while walking towards Twice's manager and their manager gave her take out food.

"I asked what's wrong?" he repeated. "Nothing's wrong" She answered and took a seat and started taking out her food.

"That's a lie, answer me properly Kim Dahyun what's wrong with you and JB hyung?" he spoke and he saw how Dahyun froze.

"N-nothing's wrong" she answered while stuttering a bit. Her relaxed and natural expression earlier turned into a furious one.

"A lie" Eunwoo muttered. "How could you say so?" she asked him. "First of all, your actions betrayed you, his actions betrayed the both of you" Eunwoo stated and pointed at Dahyun and JB who was sitting at the opposite table. 

"And even Yugyeom and Bambam shared how the two of you are acting a bit off" Eunwoo added. "Those jerks" Dahyun muttered and mentally cursed Bambam and Yugyeom.

"Are they wrong or are you lying?" Eunwoo asked, a question he already knew the answer to.

"If I lie will you stop asking?" She returned the question. Which made Eunwoo think.

What happened for her to be this desperate in disclosing the reason?

"I know i'm being nosy but you are both my friends and I can't stand seeing you both like this" Eunwoo said.

"I'm sorry, but sometimes people are better off not knowing what's happening" Dahyun said, she was sincere, yet she was hurting.

Eunwoo defeatedly backed away from pushing in further. 


"Unnie" Dahyun said and hugged Nayeon as soon as Nayeon opened the door for her. She buried her face on her unnie's embrace.

"Hey why are you crying?" Nayeon asked and panicked upon seeing her dongsaeng's state. "He himself doesn't what we both are" she spoke in between sobs and Nayeon immediately knew what it was.

Knowing there was nothing she can do to ease Dahyun's pain, she just hugged her tight and comforted her.

A few minutes passed and Dahyun fell asleep, too tired of crying. Nayeon on the other hand, didn't like how Dahyun's state is.

"Oppa?" Nayeon said after he picked up the phone. "I guess she told you" JB spoke, pain visible in his voice.

His voice was shaky, which informed Nayeon that he had been crying. "She didn't need to tell me, the way she was sobbing when she got home was enough for me to know" Nayeon told him.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled and broke into tears. "I'm sorry" he kept on mumbling, words he wanted to say to her yet he didn't have the chance to.

Nayeon felt sad at what's happening with her brother. JB had always been afraid of committing ever since he saw how his very close bestfriend in middle school got depressed and killed himself because his girlfriend broke up with him.

Nayeon knew too well the fear JB had because of what happened to his middle school best friend. 

"Oppa, calm down. Please" Nayeon said "How can I? I lost her, I was stupid and I lost her" he answered and his voice was becoming more shakier as his breathing became more heavy due to his tears.

"You didn't lose her oppa, she loves you and you do too, but she needs your assurance." Nayeon began as JB grew quiet.

"You won't lose her, but if you don't make it up to her then chances are, she'll completely be off with someone else in the future" Nayeon said, she knows it wasn't the right encouragement, yet that was the only thing she can think 

"What if she doesn't want to see me?" JB asked his sister. "She wants to, trust me she does, but not now" Nayeon told him.

"Why?" JB asked, he was desperate to make it up to her. "She needs some space and time, let her heal for some time, then talk to her" Nayeon spoke.

JB wasn't agreeing at the idea but he knows too damn well that what Nayeon said is true. She's too hurt because of him.

And JB made sure to make it up to her, no matter what. Because he's sure,

Sure that she's the one for him.

And he won't let her be his "the one that got away"

I Did not proofread this cause I've made you guys wait for an update😅

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