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JB's Pov

How the fck am I suppose to do this???

"Hi Dahyun, I know I was a jerk for what I did, I hope you can forgive me, I want to tell you that-" I suddenly stopped

"NOOOOOO That's the most awful way to say sorry Im Jaebeom" I said. "Now I look like i'm crazy cause i'm talking to myself" I once again said.

"UGHHHH How the hell am I suppose to say sorry to Dahyun?" I again said to my self. Damn, is this what happens when your so desperate to have forgiveness from someone you love?

Or is this what happens when your heart broken? Either ways, i'm both of it.

"Hey Dahyun, uhm, I know I was such a jerk but I just want you to know that i'm sorry and i'm sincere about it, I hope you can forgive me" I once again said.

"That seems decent enough, but how am I suppose to say that to her?" I asked myself.

Damn I look like a psycho, talking to myself like this. "You do it naturally" someone said and for a moment I almost thought it was Dahyun.

"Oh for pete's sake Im Jaebeom, now your hearing voices" I said and shook my head. "Just so you know i'm not imaginary" A voice once again spoke and this made me turn around.

"YAH!" I shouted because I was startled, "Why are you shouting at me? I thought you were suppose to say sorry?" Dahyun asked me and crossed her arms.

"I- uhm. Sorry?" I said "That tone definitely had a question mark on the end" Dahyun said "Okay, i'm sorry, I was literally shocked to see you there listening to whatever shit i'm saying" I started.

"But-" I was cut off when she spoke "You wanna say your sorry and you know you were a jerk but your sincerely sorry for whatever you have done, yeah, I know" Dahyun said and stood up.

"How?" I asked her. "I've been standing there for a whole 10 minutes watching you, and I might add, leader JB's character is missing" she said and giggled softly.

Oh how I missed this, her laugh, her smile, her talking to me.

"I mean it" I told her. "I know" she whispered. "Let's get going, since this is the last day for our shooting the director wanted to take a picture of us, I clearly don't know why" Dahyun said.

"Let's go, I badly want some pizza and ice cream" Dahyun said and I smiled, it's been long since the last time we were like this.

Yoo_inJung updated his status

Yoo_inJung updated his status

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Stay tuned and wait for 'Lovely Accident' starring GOT7's JB/ Im Jaebeom and Twice's Kim Dahyun alongside Astro's Cha Eunwoo

mtuan93: Support DahBeom💯

ImDefJB: Gomawo hyung


ChaWoo97: A painful experience working with these two I tell you

JeonKook97: You were with Crazy Dahyun and Crackhead JB hyung, what do you expect?😂


JeonKook97: I'm literally older than you

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"Hey!" I heard someone call me, I turned around and saw none other than JB oppa running to my direction.

"Let's go?" he asked "Eh? Where?" I asked in pure confusion. "You said you wanted pizza and ice cream" he said and dragged me.

I smiled, he's still the same JB oppa I know.

(Time Skip)

"Nooooo! I can't eat more oppa, i'll get fat" I said and declined the chocolate bar though I know I could never refuse a bar of chocolate.

"You sure?" he asked and I barely nodded. "Okay then" he said and he was about to eat it when I took it from him.

"On a second thought, I think it'll be fine to eat a bar of chocolate, or two?" I said and he laughed at me.

"What's funny?" I asked him. "You haven't changed a bit Dahyunnie" he said while looking at the stars above.

"So did you oppa" I said. "I wish we can go back to how we were before" he suddenly said, I thought opening this thought would hurt me, but somehow it doesn't, instead it comforts me.

"Believe me there wasn't a time where I won't sit in a corner and think of how happy we were before things got so complicated" he added.

"But I don't regret anything, this taught me to take the risks that are worthy of being took" he added.

"I'll make it up to you Dahyun, I promise, I will" 


By the way Yoo In Jung in this story is the director for their web drama, I just randomly came up with the name so if there is someone named like that then i'm sorry hehehhe.

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