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Third Person's Pov

They were having their usual after party because their JYP Nation concert had ended, Twice was complete, GOT7 was too.

Rather than complete the two groups lacked Mark and Tzuyu. Wooyoung was now standing on the table, a bit tipsy and being a mood maker.

It was supposed to be fun. Not until JB started talking to Suzy. At first Dahyun ignored it, of course she acknowledged the fact that they were label mates.

But as the night grew deeper, Dahyun got mad, nope, she got jealous. She didn't know why but she was damn jealous.

JB didn't even talk to her. She was jealous and she was so sure she'll get mad at him. "Hyunnie gwaenchana?" Jackson had asked her.

"Yeah, just thinking of random stuffs" she had answered. "Are you sure? You seem bothered" Jackson had stated and sat beside her.

"Okay, I may have a teensy bit of problem" Dahyun spoke as Jackson just listened to her, anticipating her next words.

Dahyun didn't care that she was seeking advice from Jackson, people may know him as the playful guy but he is so deep and you can actually get good advice from him.

"I have this friend, she's in a tight situation and I want to help her" Dahyun started "She's, I don't know if it can be called a relationship but the guy he loves confessed to her" She added.

"If the guy confessed to her and she did the same then shouldn't the guy ask her to be his girlfriend? Or court her?" Jackson had asked.

"That's the point, the guy said nothing to her, so they have this no label thing between them" Dahyun added.

"Then he's a jerk, tell your friend to leave him" Jackson said. "I already told her that, but she won't listen, she said she loves him" Dahyun said.

It wasn't a lie, she kept on telling himself to drop whatever they have because it's clearly nothing.

"Honestly, I would love to meet the guy and punch him. She shouldn't settle for nothing. She deserves to know what she is for him" Jackson told her.

Dahyun had a worried expression on her as Jack stood up and gave her a small smile before going.

He knew.

"Hey Dahyun" JB called, Dahyun glanced at him coldly. "What?" she asked with a bored look. "Let me take you home" JB said, a smile plastered on his face. 

"No" Dahyun told him and resumed walking, with regrets, she should've just went along with her unnies, she shouldn't have thought of taking a walk.

"Why not?" JB asked. ''Just because" She answered. "Why not i'm your....." JB couldn't finish his sentence.

They weren't lovers, they weren't friends, they were in between. So what are they called?

"Your my what?" she asked, finally stopping and looking at him. He was silent. He didn't know what to say.

"Friend" he muttered. Dahyun scoffed "Friend? All along we're JUST friends?" she emphasized. JB didn't know what to say.

"No, we're....." he once again started but was once again unable to finish what he was about to say. He was unsure.

"We're what?" Dahyun asked. "We're nothing right?" she added, pain was visible through her voice.

"I'm tired JB, so tired" Dahyun spoke. Tears welling her eyes. She shouldn't cry, she promised not to.

"Tired of what?" he asked, scared of her response. "Us. I don't even know if there's this word called 'us'" she answered.

"Don't" he spoke, unable to form words. "Don't what?" she asked. Pleading for answers. She was so confused. 

"Fuck JB! Give me a goddamn proper answer!" she shouted. She was frustrated. She was crying and she was tired. So tired. Of everything.

"See, you yourself don't know what we are, I don't want this" she said. At this point all she could do is to cry her heart out.

"I was so damn jealous, of you and Suzy unnie. But you know what? All I could think of is. why should I be jealous? It's not like your my boyfriend or something" she said.

JB wanted to hold her. But he knew it won't go well now. He ruined it. Every single chance he have of keeping her. 

He was so helpless. He was so selfish. She was suffering and yet he was just there, too scared of commitments. 

Now it's all falling apart. Dahyun wiped her tears and walked away. He had the instinct to hold her hand, so he did.

"Stay. Please?" he pleaded. "Why? What for? To once again question what am I in your life? To once again hold back all the feeling I want to express because I know I shouldn't express it?" she asked.

"I love you. But it's getting tiresome. I don't want uncertainties." she told him. It's for the best. That's what she kept on thinking.

"I'm just scared, of entering a relationship and committing" he spoke, quietly, ashamed of himself. 

"I'm scared too, scared that i'll continue this set up, in which your uncertain, of me, of us" she answered.

"I'm sure, so sure that it's you and I love you. Even if your scared, can't you at least give me assurance? Assure me that everything's going to be fine" she said in between her sobs.

She had never been so thankful that their after party ends late at night and almost no one roams their street at those times.

"I'm sorry" He spoke. Dahyun was already regretting her words, but she knew she shouldn't. So before she gives in once more, she used all her power to remove his grip and she left him there.

"Unnie" Dahyun said and hugged Nayeon as soon as Nayeon opened the door for her. She buried her face on her unnie's embrace.

"Hey why are you crying?" Nayeon asked and panicked upon seeing her dongsaeng's state. "He himself doesn't what we both are" she spoke in between sobs and Nayeon immediately knew what it was.

Knowing there was nothing she can do to ease Dahyun's pain, she just hugged her tight and comforted her.

ImDefJB updated his status.

ImDefJB updated his status

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DefTuan: Uhm........this  is what exactly?

G-O-T-7: Is he having a hard time confessing?

Jjang~: Hard time confessing or lyrics for new song? Please answer Im Jaebeom

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