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Dahyun's Pov

I'm scared, that one day i'll wake up with him leaving me. I mean he can leave anytime, it's not like we're in a relationship or something.

And that scares me. The thought of him leaving, being with someone else, I want this thoughts out of my head, but how can I? When I know that his assurance is the only thing to make this stop.

"Hyunnie?" A voice called me. "Hmm?" I asked and looked at who's by the door. "Nayeon unnie? Why?" I asked and plastered a smile.

She entered and sat beside me. "Are you ok?" Nayeon unnie had asked. "Yes, why?" I answered. "I know you're not okay Dahyun" She said and sighed.

"Why won't I be okay?" I asked her. "I know about your set-up with my brother" she stated, which made me frown.

"I figured you both and I confronted oppa about it" she added. "Are you getting tired of it?" she asked.

I am, but I love him and I don't wanna give up on us, i'm not even sure if there's 'us'

"Tired of what?" I asked. "Of this, no label thing you both are having" She answered and sighed. "To be honest? I am, tired. Of it" I said.

"But I, I don't want to give up on us, if there even is an 'us'" I said and I saw how she looked at me with worry.

"I love my brother but sometimes he really is a jerk" She mumbled. "He needs to give you a label, I mean what are you two? Some sort of fling" she said and rolled her eyes, to which I laughed.

"I'll talk to him" She said to which I disagree. "No" I told her and she looked at me with confusion.

"Unnie, I appreciate the thought but I want this problem to stay between me and him" I said. "I don't want you to do some talking to him just to give me an assurance" I added.

"But-" she was about to disagree but I cut her off "If he wants to give me the assurance I need then he'll give it to me, without anyone having to tell him to do so" I told her.

She slumped and pouted. "If he doesn't come around and you get tired of it then leave him. If you don't I'll confront him" she warned and I smiled before nodding in agreement.

"Am I your sister or is he your brother?" I asked her and we both laughed.

ImDefJB updated his status.

ImDefJB updated his status

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Uhm..... We're at a shooting for a web-drama not some pictorial for a magazine. With @KimDahyunnie

KimDahyunnie: You insisted on taking the photo🙄

ImDefJB: Yeah yeah whatever.

ChaEunwoo: I am so done with these two.

Bambam1a: You're telling me you're gonna work with them??? Good luck Cha Eunwoo, may God bless you.

JeonKook97:Pains me to see Eunwoo be with the soft, intimidating yet goof ball hyung @ImDefJB and be trapped with THE ANNOYING @KimDahyunnie 

➡KimYugyeom97: Better you than me @ChaEunwoo😂😂

➡KimDahyunnie: FYI @JeonKook97 YOU'RE THE ANNOYING ONE!


Jooheonnie: My dongsaeng grew up to be a fine lady with an annoying personality😭

KimDahyunnie: You are the annoying one

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Third Person's Pov

"Go home" Dahyun told JB. JB had promised to walk her home, the walking home part was already done considering they're already in front of Twice's dorm.

"Oppa seriously, your dorm is just across mine so just enter it and your already home" Dahyun said, the guy needed sleep and she was well aware of it.

JB did enter their dorm but he stood inside and not closed the door. "Now i'm home, let's talk more" He told her.

Dahyun sighed. "Are you going to sleep or not?" she asked, mixing some irritation in her voice. "But tomorrow me and Jinyoung will go somewhere" he told her.

She was aware of what'll happen tomorrow. "I know, but how does that concern you sleeping? Shouldn't you be sleeping because you and Jinyoung oppa are going somewhere tomorrow?" she told him.

"We're going somewhere tomorrow and I wouldn't see you tomorrow, that's just sad so i'm taking my time" he said.

"Oppa how many times do I have to tell you that sleep is more important?" she asked as she saw him pouting.

After a few more continuous pursuing, Dahyun managed to get him to sleep. 

KimDahyunnie updated her status 

Creditsto @Jinyoung0922 Who suddenly sentthis to me and I don't know why

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Creditsto @Jinyoung0922 Who suddenly sentthis to me and I don't know why. With @ImDefJB

I'mAhgaseAhgaseIsMe: Kim Dahyun, JB Fansite admin😂

ImDefJB: Can @Jinyoung0922 send you some better photos?

Jinyoung0922: What do you mean, those are NICE photos.

mtuan93: So JJP Day? I thought you're loyal to MarkBeom. Im Jaebeom you traitor.

ImDefJB: Yah hyung!

mtuan93: SHUT UP

ImNayeon95: @ChouTzu go get your man, he's scary.

SonChae: Nice photography skills you got there oppa @Jinyoung0922

➡Jinyoung0922: Thanks Chae

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Sorry for the late ud guys😭been lurking on twitter for GOT7 updates😭

You guys can follow me on twitter: @AhgaTuanOnce

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