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Jaebum's Pov

We were promoting for 'If You Do'. We are so happy that we got our comeback, but also of one more thing.

The lineup of the new girl group JYP Entertainment will debut has been confirmed. "Hey, let's surprise the girls" Mark hyung said.

"That sounds like a good idea. Let's also invite BTS over, i'm sure they'll be happy to hear the news" Bambam said.

"Oh, Jooheon hyung should go too" Yugyeom said and I looked confused. "Why?" Jinyoung asked. "You guys didn't know?" Jackson asked.

"We wouldn't ask if we know" I stated in a matter of fact tone, "Jooheon and Dahyun are church mates" Mark hyung answered.

"Really?" Youngjae asked and I could tell that he too, is very much surprised. "Dahyunnie has a lot of friends" Jackson said.

"And admirers," Yugyeom added. "Wait what?" I asked. 'You don't know? During middle school, Dahyun received a lot of love letters, chocolates, invites" Yugyeom said.

"Really? Our dongsaeng needs to be guarded, we need to know the guy he'll be dating in the future" Youngjae said.

"Yugyeom also did that too" Bambam said. 'What?" Mark hyung asked. "He guarded Dahyun from admirers" Bambam said.

"Tsk, she's like my sister okay, and the fact that we live in the same neighborhood, she always get stalked by guys so I make sure to accompany her whenever I can" Yugyeom said

(A/N: Find a bestfriend that takes care of you like a brother🥺)

I'll guard her because I wanna make her mine

"Besides, me and Jooheon hyung made a promise to take care of Dahyun" Yugyeom added. "Oh, is it because of what happened before?" Jackson asked.

What happened before? 

"Yup" Yugyeom asked. "Wait what happened before?" Youngjae asked out of confusion. I wanna ask the same thing.

"I'm pretty sure it was a Saturday, she was about to go home, it was kinda late cause she did some projects" Yugyeom started.

"Me and Jooheon hyung weren't with her since we also had an overnight with the other guys in our class" Yugyeom said and stopped when he saw how each one of us positioned ourselves.

Damn, we look like kids waiting for a story-telling.

"She suddenly called me and when I answered, she was crying, so I panicked, she said she couldn't reach Jooheon hyung's phone, and her parents aren't home because they visited her dad's parents" Yugyeom added and as time went by, I felt so immersed in listening to what happened to her.

"She was crying and she said she feels like she's being followed so-" Yugyeom was cut off. "SHE WAS BEING FOLLOWED?!" Bambam exclaimed.

"Yes Bam, be quiet! I'm not yet finished" Yugyeom said, each one of us had the same expression, irritated.

Who wouldn't be?! "So, I called Jooheon hyung and we told Dahyun to not hang up the phone and we'll pick her up" Yugyeom said.

"Good thinking" Youngjae said to Yugyeom. "SO when we got there, we actually tried to find and catch if ever, she is being followed" Yugyeom said again.

"Did you catch him? Was she really followed?" Jinyoung asked and Yugyeom looked irritated. "CAN Y'ALL PLEASE LET ME FREAKING FINISH WHAT HAPPENED?!" He snapped.

"Fine, Yug, Finish it now" I told him as Mark hyung calmed him down. "And she was right, she was being followed, it was some creepy ajhussi (mister or middle aged man)" Yugyeom said and he frowned. 

"HE WAS FREAKING FOLLOWED BY AN AJHUSSI?!" Mark hyung said. "CAN YOU NOT SHOUT?!" Yugyeom said and he really looked irritated.

"I'd love to hear that he got arrested" I said. "Yes he was" Yugyeom said and I heaved a sigh of relief.

Kim Dahyun, why are you too beautiful?! Can't you just be reserved for me? 

What if she doesn't like me back?

"That's a relief, we really should take care of our dongsaengs and noona's, since they'll be debuting, i'm sure the sasaengs will be there too" Youngjae said.

Everyone nodded at his words. 

Dahyun's Pov

"The oppa's want to have a dinner party" Nayeon unnie said. "Aren't you sorry for your parents?" Jeongyeon unnie asked Nayeon unnie.

"We've been having diner parties at their restaurant for God knows how many times" I added and they all laughed.

'Don't worry, my mom fancies Dahyunnie" Nayeon unnie said. "Eh? Dahyun Unnie?" Chaeyoung asked.

Come on, it's been like a year since they found out that me and JB oppa hanged out after our moms told us to go.

"Ahhh, because y'all want her to be JB oppa's girl" Jihyo unnie said and teasingly looked at me. "Unnie~" I whined as they laughed.

"EH EH! WHAT'S THAT WE HEARD ABOUT JB HYUNG'S GIRL?!" a voice shouted as they entered our dorm.

"OPPA!" I said and dashed to meet Jooheon oppa. He hugged me and I returned the hug. "It's been long since I last saw you dongsaeng, you've grown quite tall" He said which made me smack him.

"So what's that about JB's girl?" Jin hyung asked. I gulped, how can they hear gossips this fast?!

"T-that was nothing" I answered. "Nayeon unnie just shared how their mom wanted JB oppa to have a girlfriend" I improvised.

I sighed out of relief when I saw their lightened face, guess they believed my lie.

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