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KimDahyunnie updated her status

KimDahyunnie updated her status

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He made me his photographer. With @ImDefJB

ImDefJB: Lol, no one else can take my picture, you know that🙄

mtuan93: Where you two at??

ImDefJB: Secret hyung😛

ImNayeon95: I wanna go out too, why is my brother so picky with people he hangs out with😤

Bambam1a: One thing i'm sure of, JB hyung will never invite me to eat out

ImDefJB: If you'll pay then i'll invite you😂

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JB's Pov

"Seriously though, the food was beyond delicious, it was unexplainable" Dahyun said as we both made our way to our second destination.

"OMG" Dahyun squealed when we reached our second destination. "AMUSEMENT PARK" She screamed on the top of her lungs, well no ones gonna see us here specially since it's night and its closed.

"Wait, aren't we trespassing here?" She asked and I laughed at how she looked at me. "No, we aren't" I assured her and took her hands as I pulled her inside.

"I don't want to get in trouble Im Jaebeom, so make sure that this is legal" she threatened me but then, she was too cute.

"Yes, i'm not getting you in trouble, and this is legal" I said and pulled her again but she was still hesitant.

"My friend owns this place, besides, don't you trust me?" I said and acted a bit hurt. "Yah! What are you saying? Of course I trust you" She said and I saw her crinkled brows.

I laughed and approached her. I lifted my hand and straightened her brows with my fingers. "Stop crinkling your brows hyun" I said and I saw how she blushed.

It's nice to know I have the same effect on her.

"Tsk, you were the reason why I was crinkling my brows, you were sprouting nonsense" She whispered, but enough for me to hear.

"Why are you so cute?" I asked as I stopped and pinched her cheeks. "Awwww!" she said and rubbed her cheeks and a pout appears on her lips.

"Come on, let's ride at some then let's ride the ferris wheel last" I said and stuck out my hands as if I was asking for hers.

Her eyes lit up to the mention of Ferris wheel and I smiled when she ran cutely towards me and grabbed my hand.

(Time Skip)

"ANIYA! IM JAEBEOM!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs when we rode the vikings, some of my friends' operators were here and I saw how they laughed as well as I did.

She clung on to my arms and hugged them tightly as if her life depended on it. 

"IM JAEBEOM IF I DIE TODAY IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" She shouted once more before I earned some slapping in my arm.

"That hurts Dahyun, stop punching and slapping my arms" I said and laughed at her.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT, WHY DID YOU EVEN MAKE ME RIDE THIS?!" She shouted and screamed even harder when the viking got faster and higher.

I think this is the highest and fastest point of the vikings and I don't even enjoy the ride, I enjoy seeing Dahyun.

"IM JAEBEOM IM GONNA KILL YOU" she shouted again and at this point? If it was any of the members aside from Mark hyung I would've killed them.

But this was Dahyun. How could I get mad at her?

As soon as we got down I handed Dahyun a water bottle. "Man I never heard you scream that loud" I said.

"tsk, I did, when we were on Switzerland" she said and pouted at me. "Don't make me ride those again please" she said and I laughed at her.

"Okay, I won't, promise" I said and she glared at me. "Is it you won't make me ride it again and you promise or you won't promise anything?" she asked.

"I won't make you ride those again and I promise" I said and I saw her heave a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, let's ride the Ferris wheel, it's getting late" I said and her eyes lit up 

As soon as we got to the ride she immediately stood up and didn't even bother to sit down.

"Hey sit down or you'll fall" I warned her. "But I won't see the view if I sit down" she said in a soft tone. 

I stood up besides her and back hugged her. I felt her stiffen, I intertwined her hands with mine as I placed my chin on top of her head.

Nothing mattered.

Whether I was scared of commitments

Scared of hate

Nothing mattered.

Cause she's here.

By my side.

ImDefJB updated his status

She doesn't even know I took this pic💚 with @KimDahyunnie

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She doesn't even know I took this pic💚 with @KimDahyunnie

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