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Dahyun's Pov

I was feeling uncomfortable, the fact that my mom and auntie is here along with JB oppa is very uncomfartable.

Ani. Calling him 'oppa' is a lot more uncomfortable for me. The way he smiles widely that he almost closes his eyes completely.

I mean, it's very new for me and it's very shocking. "Dahyun-ah, me and your auntie have some adult stuffs we want to talk about, would you mind if I make you go home now?" My mom asked.

"Aniya eomma, gwenchana" I said and assured her through a smile. "I guess I'll get going too." JB oppa then said and stood up.

We were walking the busy streets of Seoul and contrary to how busy the streets are, we were the complete opposite.

"W-why are you walking this way?" He had asked. "E-eh? Ah, I was actually going to sleep in the dorm now" I answered and once again looked ahead.

"W-wae?" He asked. "Ah, we have shooting tomorrow remember?" I asked him and he smiled while scratching his nape. 

Which I find cute. "Ahhh, maja(right)" he said and we were once again covered with an awkward silence. 

"I noticed you being awkward around me" He said and I stopped walking. "Y-you noticed?" I asked. "I'm not dumb Dahyun" he said and laughed a little.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked. I sighed. We then headed towards a park. Since it the night was getting deeper, there weren't anyone there.

We sat on a bench. "It's actually uncomfortable for me, and I hope you don't take it the bad way" I said.

"Then explain it to me so that I won't misunderstand" he said and smiled at me. "Tell me what makes you uncomfortable around me" He said. 

"This. This whole thing makes me uncomfortable" I said and I saw him look at me with questioning eyes.

"You know I always see you so serious and chic and scary before right?" I said and he glared at me before nodding.

"But now we're getting to know each other. I always see you smiling like there's no tomorrow, I see you laughing out loud. I see you being soft" I stated what was on my mind. 

"Ahhh. You're uncomfortable because the real me is contrary to what you always thought I was?" he asked and I nodded.

He just stated what I found hard to tell "I understand you. I mean almost everyone thought that way" he said.

"But, to be honest, I would love everyone to get to know me better. Yes, I maybe strict and serious and scary inside the practice room but i'm a very reliable person..." he said 

"And very soft?" I asked and we both laughed while nodding. "But I have a question" I said and he looked at me.

"Why do you want to be friends with me?" I asked. He glared at me but instead of feeling intimidated like how I always felt before, I found it cute.

"Yah! Are you seriously asking me that? I had to freaking film a sweet and lovey scene with you and the fact that in our circle of friends you're the only person I ain't close with!" he said and he looked like he was very irritated.

So I smiled. "I was even close to Tzuyu and the thing is, she isn't even fluent with Korean yet" he said. "Arraseo, arraseo. Why are you getting mad at me?" I asked and added a hint of sadness in my voice. 

"A-aniya." he said and just rubbed his hair. "I'm just joking with you." I said and he looked up. "Want some ice cream?" he asked. 

"You'll treat me?" I asked. "Ani. You'll pay for it" he sarcastically said. "Of course I will." he said and we went to the nearest convenience store.

"Let's finish eating this ice cream so that the others won't see, otherwise the others will get mad at me and tell me that I don't love them anymore" he said and sighed.

I could already imagine how much of a chaos will happen when they figure out that the stingy JB oppa bought ice cream for me.

"So we good now?" He had asked. And because I was too focused on my ice cream I didn't get to understand him.

"Hmm?" I asked. He frowned and stopped walking. "You're not even paying attention to me" he said and I laughed.

"Arraseo. What is it?" I asked and set aside the ice cream. "I asked if we're good now" he repeated. "of course we are, i'm not uncomfortable anymore. Besides you got me ice cream" I said and he smiled.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable around me, don't hesitate to tell me, I mean, I won't eat you if you tell me the truth" he said in a tone like he was stating a fact.

"Arraseo. I know okay? No need to remind me." I said. "Oh? Hide!" JB oppa whispered and pulled my hand. Resulting to us being so close to each other.

"W-wae?" I asked. "I saw them sitting on the playground" he said. "Them? All of them?" I asked pertaining to our group of friends.

He nodded. "Hyunnie, you should finish eating that now" He said and I did what I was told. "Let's naturally walk and pretend we don't know that they're there" he said.

When I finished eating we walked as planned and when we reached them, they were asking us what happened.

But my mind was too occupied to even process what they were saying. This can't be happening. My heart did not just skip a beat.

I am not falling for him. Right? 


That's not happening.


I'll do what it takes to stop this.

But what is this?

ARGH! Whatever it is, it needs to be stopped.


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