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JB's Pov

It was a rather busy day tomorrow, though I was told i'd only be going to a photoshoot and then to a meeting with JYP, I could already tell i'd be exhausted.

It was 11 pm and yet i'm still awake, despite the fact that my photoshoot starts at 10 am tomorrow and I have to be there by 8:30, I didn't care.

Why did I not care? Cause who would dare sleep and leave Kim Dahyun hanging on the phone? Would you? Cause I won't.

"Sleep~" she mumbled but that just made me want to sleep later and talk with her more. "But i'm not sleepy" I told her.

"You're literally gonna get yourself killed the next time we meet." She whispered which I laughed at.

"Your telling me that you're killing me tomorrow?" I asked and she sighed. "I can sense you pouting" I said.

"I mean you need sleep oppa, you have to be up by 7:00 am tomorrow" she said. "But I want to talk to you" I spoke. "Tomorrow, we'll see each other tomorrow so we can talk" she said once more.

"But-" I was about to protest. "You need sleep and if you don't sleep I won't meet you tomorrow" She said as I pouted.

I've never been so happy that I have my own apartment now, the others will literally tease me if they saw me pouting.

Third Person's Pov

Dahyun knew she needed to get him to sleep but he's too stubborn and too sweet

"I don't need sleep, I need you" he said and once again, Dahyun felt like screaming on top of her lungs. She was a blushing mess.

And if it weren't for the lights that are closed, her crimson red cheeks will be visible. "S-stop that" she managed to say while biting her lips and preventing a smile.

"Stop what?" He asked over the phone. "That cheesy comments you're giving" she mumbled. 

A few more minutes and Dahyun finally convinced him to sleep. A few minutes and she then dozed off to sleep.

JB's Pov

I woke up around 6:30, I tried reading a bit for some minutes before I decided to take a shower. After I took a shower I then went down and I saw manager hyung.

"What took you so long?" He asked. "I was reading hyung" I answered and he shook his head. "You and your reading habits" he said and smiled.

As soon as we got to the pictorial place not much was said. Just the usual, wear the attire, discuss the angles, strike a pose, and they take the picture.

"Hey Beom-ah, let's now head to the company, so that we'll finish earlier and you'll get more rest" Manager hyung said.

"Okay, i'm gonna meet Dahyun later" I said, I saw him stop and glance at me. He then sighed. "You know you can't and shouldn't continue this right?" He asked.

"I know" I answered. "You know you shouldn't let her feel this when you don't want to be in a relationship with her" Manager hyung added.

"It's not that I don't want to be in a relationship with her, it's just that i'm afraid, not of her, but relationships" I cleared.

"And she isn't? You know that she is also afraid of entering a relationship because of the field you both are in yet she's allowing this, cause she loves you, don't you think your being unfair to her?" Manager hyung added.

But I couldn't bring myself to listen to him. "Oh, your here" A staff from JYPE said when he spotted me.

(Time Skip)

"So basically we both got casted to a web-drama as leads?" Dahyun asked. "Not casted, They want you two, Just you two, the writer personally wanted both of you" JYP said.

"I heard you know some of the casts" JYP said to her. "I only know Eunwoo oppa pd-nim" She answered.

"Eunwoo is the best friend of the lead in the story right?" Dahyun asked. "Yes, how did you know?" JYP asked.

"Me and Eunwoo oppa got to talk about it last week" Dahyun answered as JYP just nodded.

We both agreed to it. "Okay, you both are dismissed" he spoke and we both left. 

"Just a piece of advice, you wouldn't want to lose her just because of your fear" Managaer hyung told me before he left.

Good, another thing to bother me.

KimDahyunnie updated her status

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