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Third Person's Pov

Mark arrived at his apartment with a plastic bag filled with beer and some chicken. "Done with Tzuyu?" JB asked him.

Mark just nodded and proceeded with placing the chicken on a plate and placing the beers on the table.

"Just so you know, I am so not gonna let you sleep here so if ever you get drunk, not my problem anymore" Mark uttered.

"Why are you so mean hyung?" JB said and grabbed a can of beer. "It'll be good if you'll just sleep but if you throw up on my house then i'll kick your ass" Mark told him as he just pouted.

"I'm seeing you pouting and you had the guts to say you're not cute your sexy" Mark said which earned him a glare from JB.

A glare he didn't actually care at. "So? You and Dahyun broke up?" Mark asked.

"We weren't even together" JB mumbled "The fuck?" Mark unconsciously cursed while wiping some of the spilled beer in his table. 

"You two weren't a couple?!" Mark asked him. "No, what made you think so?" JB asked him. Mark gave him an 'Are you serious?' look.

"Bro we all thought you and her were a thing" Mark said. "Why? Why would you guys think like that?" JB asked.

"Well first of all, bro late night talks? Morning messages? Skin-ship? Dates? Knowing glances? How many must I name?" Mark said.

"Well first of all when did me and her go to date?" JB asked as Mark face palmed. "Bro are you serious? So if you two weren't a couple and you weren't dating why were you waiting for her to finish class and literally brought her clothes to change in to, went to a park for a picnic and brought home made food?" Mark asked.

"Hangouts?" JB answered, which didn't sound like an answer, more like a question. "Bro hangouts aren't like those" Mark said.

"Okay my mind is definitely in a haywire, just elaborate what's happening will you?" Mark added and massaged his temples.

"You all know how I fear relationships right?" JB asked and Mark just nodded, not interrupting him.

"Well, I told her I like her and she told me she liked me too, so we, I mean I gave her an unsure relationship" JB started his story telling.

"Now that, is a very dumb thing to do" Mark mumbled which earned a glare from JB "I already know, you don't need to rub it in" JB told him.

"So? What happened next?" Mark asked. "She got jealous, and she exploded, she said she was tired, of our set up" JB continued.

Mark was at a loss for words, first of all because JB is stupid, second because he can't believe that he and Dahyun weren't dating.

"Piece of advice JB, sometimes we have to overcome our fears in order to be happy. It's like you and Dahyun, you fear relationships yet your happiness is with her" Mark told him.

"Not because you told her you like her doesn't mean she'll stay, it's not just girls people in general need assurance and people who risk it all are people who'll do anything for what or who they love" Mark continued.

"It's just like us, you, me, GOT7, BTS, Twice, KPOP, we all don't know if we'll have a stable job in this industry yet what? We risked it for our dreams, we risked it because we want to do what we want" Mark added.

"She risked it for you, she knows, you knows how messy dating is in our job, yet she risked it for you, because she loves you" Mark told him.

It wasn't the first time JB's hearing this yet it feels so different coming from his very own Mark hyung.

"There are risks that you have to be so willing to take" Mark again told him. "Will it be worth the risk?" JB asked a stupid question.

"Will you be fine seeing her with another man?" Mark's answer was a question yet it meant so much. 

Will he be fine seeing Dahyun with someone else? With someone that's not him?

"No" was his answer. "Then I guess that answers your question"  Mark said. 

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I left for 5 minutes to clean the kitchen when I returned he finished 6 cans of beer  and he was fast asleep🙄

AhgaOnceYow: He?? Asleep?? That?? Fast??

ImNayeonnie95: You two talked?

mtuan93: Yeah, he needed some talking

TuanDefHyungs: What you two talked about?👀

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