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Third Person's Pov

It was another day full of the two ignoring each other, actually it's been weeks. JB did what Nayeon suggested, he gave her space, he gave her time.

And he hopes that it's enough, cause he couldn't wait any long to get to talk to her again.

On the other side, there she was. Full of longing, he wasn't the only one, she was feeling it too.

She misses him as much as he does towards her. God knows how Dahyun is feeling lately, but she was scared.

She was scared of yet another unsure relationship. She wanted it to be permanent, to be sure, she wanted it to be with him.

It's like she's a girl loving a flower full of thorns, it hurts her yet she still wants and craves for it. 

"Dahyun?" he called out, she was spacing out and JB just snapped her out of her thoughts. "E-eh?" she asked, slightly stuttering.

It felt like it was so long since the last time she got to see him this close, yeah sure  she does, but they were acting, and this feels different.

For the first time after quite a while, he's this close to her, off cam. "Y-you were spacing out and Eunwoo said that it's time to shoot the last scene" JB spoke.

Dahyun hurriedly fixed her things and upon standing up, her face got closer to him. She was feeling it again, that too familiar beat of her heart.

The butterflies once again playing in her tummy, and her face turning crimson. And it was all because of him again. Im Jaebeom.

The only guy that made her heart do somersaults, the only guy which made her feel the butterflies in her tummy, the only guy who made her blush, the only guy she loves, the only guy she's willing to take the risk with.

Yeah, it was none other than Im Jaebeom.

"Y-yeah, let's get going" Dahyun stuttered but managed to get away from the awkward position they were in.

"Kim Dahyun" JB called out when she was about to go, 

Kim Dahyun, it's been long since I said her name that way, I always called her nicknames and endearments.

He thought. Dahyun was frozen for a moment. "N-ne?" she asked softly, almost as if a whisper.

"I'm sorry" 

2 words. 2 words which is now urging her to cry. 2 words he badly wanted to say. 

She didn't know what to say so instead of answering, she walked away. 

"Your stupid aren't you?" a voice spoke and JB almost jumped out of shock. "Ugh, don't even remind me of it Manager hyung" JB said.

He was right, about everything. JB thought.

"It's not yet too late Beom" his manager said. "What should I do now?" JB asked him.

"Ah, now that's a question you should answer yourself" his manager said and tapped his shoulders lightly before leaving.

"Aghhh" he groaned in frustration and messed up his hair. "I need help, but who?" he asked, his 6 members flashed in his head.

Nah, Yugyeom shouldn't be involved in this, he should worry about his own love life, if he ever has one.

JB thought.

Bambam? But that crackhead is having his own problem with Mina.

Youngjae? Nah, he needs time to sort out what to do with him and Jihyo

Jinyoung? Too busy with his drama and pursuing Nayeon since they fought.

Jackson? He needs to focus on his country and his soon to be wife/ queen.

Mark hyung? Ok it's settled, im gonna ask for Mark hyung's help since his relationship seems to be the more stable one.

"Hyung" JB called out as soon as Mark answered the phone. "You have a problem don't you?" Mark asked right away.

"H-how?" JB asked. "You were obvious, I mean to me you were, I don't know about those 5 others, they're too busy to notice you" Mark said in a matter of fact tone.

"I was obvious?" JB asked in disbelief. "Okay maybe you weren't, maybe I was just too observant" Mark said.

"But considering how dense those five dorks can be then maybe at some point you were obvious" Mark said and JB couldn't help but smile.

This is what Mark Hyung is for.

He thought, no words can describe how he felt so blessed to have those 6 guys to back him up.

"So? What's your problem? C'mon bro hurry up, i'm meeting Tzuyu in half an hour" Mark said.

JB rolled his eyes. "Meet up with her and we'll talk later hyung" JB said "Why later?" Mark asked.

"It's gonna be quite long" JB mumbled. "Dahyun?" Mark asked. "Yeah" JB answered. "I figured" Mark said.

"Meet me around 8 pm at my place, i'll have beer and chicken, let's talk about it" Mark comfortingly told him as JB answered a small yes and a nod.


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