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JB's Pov

Why is this so hard?! I mean It's not like I haven't acted before? I once again ruffled my hair out of annoyance as I was thinking.

"You two show no spark at all!" the director said. I get it that he is mad cause it's been like our 3rd time having to shoot this scene. 

"Kamdongim" Mark hyung said and had a talk with the director. "Jinja mianhae" I heard Dahyun say, she was saying sorry to the whole staffs and to GOT7.

I feel bad for her, I know she feels bad because maybe she thinks she's ruining everything. "It's okay Hyun, we know that you're not really close with JB hyung" Jackson had said.

"Hyunnie, we can't buy ice cream if we can't finish early" I heard Yugyeom say and his voice was like cheering her up.

I saw her smile at him. As I saw her smile, I unconsciously smiled too. "Yah, hyung, why you smiling while looking at Dahyunnie huh?" Youngjae had approached me and teased me.

"W-what? W-what nonsense is coming out from your mouth?" I said and tried to cover my lies. But damn, I was stuttering.

He had shot me another teasing look and was about to speak but got cut off by Mark hyung. "Jaebeom-ah!" he had called me.

"Ne, hyung?" I asked. "I had a talk with the director, you and Dahyun should try to get to know each other better." he said.

"We can either, let you both talk for quite some time and shoot your scene again or maybe we could shoot the other scenes today and just shoot your scenes tomorrow?" he had asked.

"Aniya hyung, maybe we could talk now and shoot later" I had answered, he nodded and was about to walk away when I stopped him.

"Hyung, gomawo. You really know what to do in these kinds of situation, sometimes i really think you're more worthy of being a leader" I had said.

I spoke of what I thought. "Nonsense. You're where you are because JYP pd-nim saw something in you" he said.

"I'm sure pd-nim knows what he is doing, there's something special about you that makes you the perfect choice for leading 6 goofy men" he said and laughed after wards.

I smiled. Mark hyung really is the hyung we all need. I may be a leader but there are times that I don't know what to do and he helps me.

"Saranghae hyung" I said and he chuckled at me. "Tsk. Yeoja aniya! (I'm not a girl) Tell that to the girl you'll be with someday" he said and walked towards the director.

(Time Skip)

We, me and Dahyun are now inside a room. We were left here to get to know each other.  "So...." she trailed off and looked at me.

I looked back at her and when our eyes met she looked away, she then gulped and I felt her being tensed up.

"Are you nervous?" I had asked her. "N-ne" she said while stuttering. "Let's get to know each other then" I said and she nodded, while still not looking at me.

"Hey" I laughed as I found her cute. "Don't be too tensed up, we won't get to know each other if you keep on avoiding me" I said.

"Y-you laughed?" she asked and disbelief was written in her eyes. "Yes. Why?" I had asked.

"It's just that this is new to me. I mean I only saw you laughing when your with Nayeon unnie, the other girls, GOT7 oppa's and the other trainees" she had answered.

"Well, just think that once you made me laugh, we're close then" I said and she looked up to me. "What are you saying. I didn't even do anything to make you laugh" she told me and she looked more comfortable now.

"You were cute, that's why I laughed" I said and she looked like she was taken aback, which made her cute, and which made me giggle.

"Stop laughing at me" she said and pouted. "Arraseo. You know what? You can treat me like Yugyeom" I said.

"Treat me like how close you are to Yugyeom." I told her. "Fine. Fine" she said. "On one condition" she added.

"What?" I asked. "Buy me chocolates" she said and smiled widely at me. "Eyy! Yugyeom will buy you Ice cream already" I said.

"But Ice cream isn't the same with Chocolates" she said and pouted. "If you don't want to then I can continue treating you like an acquaintance" she said.

"Aish. Arraseo Arraseo" I said and I saw a smirk of victory plastered on her face. "Black mailer" I said. 

"That wasn't a black mail. That was a deal" she said in a matter of fact tone and just shrugged. I shook my head while smiling and went to her.

"Kaja(Let's go)" I said and put my arms on her shoulders. "Tsk. This oppa's hands is heavy" she complained to the other members as soon as we got out of the room.

"Yah, is mine heavier or his?" Jackson asked her. "Yugyeom oppa's hands are heavier" she answered and the others laughed at Yugyeom. 

"Tsk. I won't buy you ice cream anymore, don't even think about it" Yugyeom said which made Dahyun remove my hands from her shoulders and ran to Yugyeom.

"Yah! That's not fair! You said that was your sorry gift!" she said to Yugyeom. "What? Sorry can't hear you" Yugyeom said and just grinned.

"YAH KIM YUGYEOM!" Dahyun had said and tip-toed just to pinch Yugyeom's ears, when she finally got hold of Yugyeom's ears, she then stopped tip-toeing and pulled Yugyeom's ear down.

Which caused Yugyeom to bend down and flinch in pain. "Kim Dahyun! I swear i'll tell you to Jooheonnie hyung" Yugyeom had said.

"I don't care. Tell me first that you'll buy me my ice cream" Dahyun said. "Why should I" Yugyeom said. 

"You said it was an apology gift!" Dahyun once again said and Yugyeom once again flinched in pain. "Arraseo! Arraseo!" Yugyeom said and Dahyun let go of his ear.

He then rubbed it. Dahyun noticed him and went closer to him again. "Lemme, see" she said and this time Yugyeom did what he was told. 

"It's so red. Ottoke(what to do)" Dahyun said not too loud but just enough for me to hear. She then aided Yugyeom's ear and said sorry.

"You've been staring at Yuggy and Hyun since earlier" Mark hyung suddenly told me. "I-is there something wrong with that?" I asked and stuttered.

"Getting jealous aren't you?" He whispered which made me hit him in the chest. "Busunsuriya!(What are you talking about?" I said and he then left me with a teasing look.

At that moment I didn't know what got to me, I wished we were like that too, I wish you were like that to me too.

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