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lost_to_the_river & lost-to-the-river


Starscream rushed quickly through the gloomy halls of the Nemesis, his large feet producing loud bangs as he dashed jollily along.

Oh, what a glorious day this had turned out be! Megatron is dying! The big brute, finally death shall have his head!

Starscream skidded around a corner, the screeching of metal-on-metal howling through the quiet air. Concerned and hushed voices were dripping from the glowing room ahead. Starscream burst into the medical quarters, and as the other Decepticons turned to investigate who had entered, he ripped his devious grin off his face. A somber frown replaced it, his yellow eyes now a soft light. Oh yes, mourning happens when someone dies.

He approached the operating table his liege was splayed out upon. Knock Out was busily tending to the intense damage committed to Megatron's face. His metal helmet was twisted strangely, making it difficult for Knock Out to pry it off and give him access to repair whatever hell lay beneath.

"How long have you been trying to get it off?" Starscream questioned.

"Dammit, Scream, I don't know. Hours."

Starscream was taken aback by Knock Out's hasty and fowl response, but, then again, the young medic was under an extreme amount of stress. Why, the life of the Decepticon lord was being held in his lovely little hands.

Starscream turned his head, observing the two others lurking in the shadows, watching Knock Out's every move, making sure no malpractice would take place.

"Soundwave, get out. Knock Out's stressed enough without you peeping in."

Soundwave's yellow visor's luminosity increased as he was addressed. A robotic sigh crackled out from beneath his mouth plate.

"I want to be here if my Liege perishes," Soundwave rebutted. Something knocked around inside his chest compartment, and the door hissed as it slowly opened. Ravage poked his head out, locking his eyes with Starscream, daring the second in command to make another stab at his master.

"Fine. Shockwave, is there anything you can do?"

The genius slipped out of the darkness, his eye a furious red amongst the violet lights of the Nemesis. He approached the table as Knock Out removed part of Megatron's helmet. The head gear was still compressed against him, naughtily holding on, desperate to kill him. Starscream never knew he could relate to an inanimate object so much.

"I can give Knock Out some time to rest."

"Oh, thank Primus." Knock Out threw down his tools before scampering off to another sector of the room, hiding away from the horror he had to fix.

Shockwave gripped one of the tools and went to work carefully removing more parts, dropping the little bits into a tin. The helmet was shattered into hundreds of brilliant little shards, all cutting into Megatron's head. One incorrect extraction would cause irreversible damage, and Shockwave's blocky hands would most definitely commit harm. They were the fingers of an engineer, not a graceful medic.

Starscream was glad.

"Is there any way I can help? Speed up the process?" Starscream reached out towards a pair of tweezers.


Starscream picked up the tool, the metal reflecting a shaft of light. "This doesn't seem too difficult. An extra pair of hands would be a major asset."

The Silent Light - A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now