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SPECIAL NOTE: Thank you so much to all of my readers so far!  I am having a blast writing this and listening to "romantic dinner music" playlists on Spotify while doing so.  I have very much enjoyed turning Megatron into a steadfast softie.

AN EXTRA SPECIAL NOTE: How many more parts would you all like?  I am trying to shoot for twenty, but I am not sure if you all want Megatron's and Starscream's story to move faster.

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Starscream gazed woefully upon the remnants of an ancient throne, the armrests worn away by the fists of time.  His face was drawn, drained of life.

He was awoken by his own desires in the midst of the night, his spark feeling like it had been set ablaze.  Starscream had quietly separated himself from the recharging dock present in the wall, and he had gazed over at Megatron, who was dreaming in the bed, which was slightly too short for him, across the room.  They had exchanged a handful of kisses before deciding to doze off.

His chest had cramped and his head had whirled with schemes of conquering and abandonment and influence.  One meager, but incredibly powerful, section of Starscream was willing to destroy all forms of obstacles, including his new lover.  These ideas disturbed the Seeker so much to the point he had to desert the scrappy hotel and fly off to where no one would discover him.

He had encountered the forsaken throne room during his escape.

Starscream desired to be alone with his own mind, but this course of action had revealed itself to be destructive.  Wasn't his own mind what he was attempting to depart from?  Oh, how a glass of Kremzeek would be so wonderful.  Exchange the world for a jumble of pixels.

Starscream had gotten his home; he had one of the things he wanted.  Now he wanted a crown.

The Seeker ambled up to the throne and delicately settled down in it, his hands neatly folded in his lap.  Taking the throne allowed for Starscream to come to terms with his craving; this was what he had always lusted after.  And he was going to quench his yearning with Megatron, his little prince beside him, the king.

A few pinpricks of stars revealed themselves in the dark ocean of the night; the city's light pollution cloaked the galaxies that rested above.

Shatter had mentioned that countless others disapproved of the outcome of the war, so Starscream was certain he had an army of followers he could summon.  Besides, even if she was incorrect and there were not many to begin with, his herd of admirers would expand with time.  The same thing had happened to Megatron when he first constructed the Decepticon ranks.

Starscream gradually rose from the lustrous throne, his face beginning to collect more energy as his future peeled itself open, revealing the fruit of all the possibilities.  His wings tilted upward toward the glaring moons before he took off, rocketing back towards his prince.

.   .   .

Megatron pinned Starscream to the sandy floor, and the furious Seeker rapidly smacked him around the head, cuffing his audio receptors with cupped hands.  Megatron's fat tears spattered the floor as he screeched, his soothing voice turning rugged with fear.

"Oh holy Primus, Starscream!  Snap out of it!"

"Let go!" Starscream snagged Megatron's bulky neck with his hands, attempting to shake his fragile head and cause some vertigo.  Alas, his grip was much too weak, and Megatron ripped his shaky fingers away.

"Not till you promise you will never say something like that again!  What you want to become was the old me!"

"But I want it!" 

"Dammit, Scream, I know you do!  But what you want starts wars!  People don't like conquerors!  People like freedom and the chance to make choices."

"But I will give them freedom."

"No, Starscream, you won't.  I have seen your leadership style; it is all about glorifying yourself.  You don't care about those who are harmed in your wake.  What is your goal in being a leader?  What do you want to make better about Cybertron?"

Starscream bit his lip.

"Exactly.  You just want to know that you are in control."  Megatron stood, grasping onto Starscream's lean wrists, raising him off the ground.

Starscream wailed in frustration, his shrill voice ripping through the air.  He kicked Megatron's strong knees, trying to subdue Megatron's battle against him.  Rapid footsteps barreled through the hallway, and Skywarp and Thundercracker smashed through the door, hearing the cries of despair from their comrade.

Skywarp tensed up as he saw Megatron brutally handling Starscream, and Thundercracker hurtled himself towards the gladiator, guns raised, shrieking, "How fucking dare you!"

Megatron dropped Starscream, who fled promptly to the corner of the room, ducking beneath his bed.  He curled up like a snail, desperate to protect himself from further assault towards his dreams.  Megatron wrapped his hands around Thundercracker's fists, easily forcing his arms downwards.

"He wants to take over Cybertron, Thundercracker!"

"Abuser, abuser!" Thundercracker spat, his shoulders trembling as he attempted to return his guns to eye level.

"Shush!  Listen to me.  I might have changed, but there is something you need to know about Starscream's and my former relationship.  He is the one that made me work hard to stay on top.  I feared that if he rose to power after my demise, he would rule with such a chaos that would destroy everything."

Thundercracker's physical resistance diminished, but his optics still remained aglow with the need for combat.

"I changed; the Accident ended my horrendous rule.  Starscream is still the old Starscream.  He still has his want, his need, for power.  He just told me he wants me to rule as his second in command when he becomes the king of Cybertron.  He said there are many that want to follow him."

"Starscream exaggerates."

"He said that Shatter knows many who want to follow him."

"And she's a liar that just sets people up so she can get something from them."

"But I know Starscream.  He has been chasing a crown for eons.  Shatter is trying to use him."

Thundercracker freed his hands from Megatron's grip, flicking his wrists, shaking off the force that had crushed his fingers together.  "Then find the wretch and give her a piece of your mind.  Throw her in prison while you're at it."

Megatron's crimson optics flickered as a complex plot soared through his mind.  He whirled toward Starscream, his shoulders hunched and aggressive.

"No, we're going to lock him up."

"What?!" Starscream squealed, dragging himself further under the bed, his knees quivering.

Megatron darted towards him like a dragon, his muscular arms extended like great reptilian wings, seizing Starscream and pulling him against his chest.  Starscream squirmed, arching his back this way and that in a brave attempt of escape.  Megatron's hand sheathed Starscream's mouth, preventing him from summoning any more help with his earsplitting hollers.

"Stop it!" Thundercracker poised himself to fire upon Megatron, his legs locked into a powerful lunge, prepared to take on the knockback from his blasters.

Megatron shouldered past the armed Seeker, and Skywarp finally broke away from his confusion.  He grabbed onto Megatron's elbow, pulling it around, trying to weaken his clutch on Starscream.  Megatron forcefully kicked Skywarp, sending him sailing across the bleak room.  Skywarp rolled across the floor, and his head raised up as he lay on his back, his optics flooding with fury.

"You two, just help me!" Megatron gestured to his floundering captive.  "I'll talk to you soon."

The Silent Light - A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now