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Starscream gazed in awe upon the screen Shockwave was presenting to them. Megatron gazed over Starscream's shoulder while Knock Out and Soundwave also looked on.

"So, our liege has actually been healed?" Starscream turned to look up at Megatron, who's optics were glowing gleefully.

"It appears that is so," Shockwave responded, shutting down the research tablet. It emitted a soft click as he shut the lid.

"I am happy that you have discovered this," Knock Out said. "but please ask before hacking into my medical records."

Shockwave glowered at Knock Out. "Noted," he grumbled. There was no need to create a promise; it was inevitable for all promises to be reversed.

"So this finding means this is who I really am?" Megatron clasped his hands together, as if praying this beautiful fact was indeed very true.

"Yes." Shockwave placed his tablet away in a drawer before retreating to a distant corner of the room, busily beginning a new project. Megatron's mystery had been solved.

"Well, that's our cue." Knock Out gingerly turned away before exiting to the hallway, his clanking steps slowly fading away as he traveled to the belly of the ship. Soundwave eventually abandoned the lab as well, leaving the remaining three in a cold silence.

Megatron glanced at Starscream before gesturing to the door with his head, his mouth not contorted into its usual frown. Instead, his lips were slightly curved upwards towards the sky, revealing the internal delight that was flaming in his spark. Starscream followed his liege into the deserted hallway, and the doors hissed shut behind them. The robust clanging of a lock sounded, preventing anyone from entering and irritating Shockwave.

"Some of the treaties still need to be completed." Starscream began to slowly walk away, and Megatron soon meandered along as well. "When exactly are we going to release them?"

Megatron was undoubtedly consumed with thought, and Starscream's question was unheard. He was probably analyzing what he had just heard about his own mind, but his optics were locked onto his deputy, intense and driven.

Starscream halted, his metal wings lowering. "Are you disappointed with me?"

Megatron seized Starscream's head, and the Seeker emitted a shrill shriek of terror. His wail was cut short as Megatron pressed his lips to Starscream's, his metallic flesh warm.

Oh Primus, oh Primus! Starscream fretfully thought, all of his thoughts jumbling together. His stomach churned with unease, and he punched Megatron's chest, a loud crack sounding. Megatron swiftly pulled away after landing another solid kiss on Starscream's cheek.

"What the frag was that?!" Starscream screeched, and he raised his trembling fists up, ready for another affectionate attack.

"I like you," Megatron muttered, his shoulders lowering, and his posture grew frail as Starscream did not return the fondness he showed him.

"When did these, ugh, feelings start!?" Starscream's voice rose an octave as his shock morphed into exasperation.

Megatron watched the squawking mess that Starscream had become with yearning, and the desire for another kiss kindled inside of him. "When we were working on the treaties together. You are so...adorable."

"Adorable? Adorable?!" Starscream was quaking with rage. How dare an assassin and future Decepticon leader be dubbed "adorable"! He was vicious, not cuddly and cute!

"I want to kiss you again." Megatron's optics widened as his intention leapt off his tongue.

"No! No more kissing or cuddling or hugs! I am going to help you finish these damn peace treaties and then our relationship is done! No longer leadership partners!"

The Silent Light - A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now