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Megatron clasped Optimus' hand, delivering a powerful shake and demonstrating the strength of his promise.  The peace treaty documents were scattered about across rocks; the two opposing groups decided to meet in the forest, where neutrality ruled.  Elita's and Optimus' signatures glittered in the sunlight, fresh and new as they stood beside Megatron's and Starscream's pre-signed names.

Various Autobots and Decepticons gazed upon the end of the war happening before their optics, and a few Cybertronians started to bawl with joy.

Starscream watched intently as Megatron and Optimus whispered to each other, their brotherhood reigniting before him.  Shatter limped up to Starscream, her limbs disfigured from a previous battle.  She leaned close to Starscream.

"He truly went over the deep end, didn't he?  Heh, surrendering to the Autobots."

"He didn't surrender.  Nor has he lost it," Starscream rebutted.  "He's doing what is best for our species."

Shatter shrugged, her shoulder joints shrieking like injured crows.  "The Decepticons deserve a superior leader.  A leader such as yourself."  Shatter pleasantly smiled to Starscream, her red eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Shatter, we are no more.  They," Starscream nodded towards the cheering Autobots.  "are no more.  We are all Cybertronian once again."

"I understand.  But you can rebuild the Decepticons.  Lead Cybertronians who do not necessarily...agree with this outcome."  Shatter locked her optics on Optimus, who was grinning as he listened to Megatron's inaudible words.  "Cybertronians like me.  There are many of us looking to you."

"Why don't you lead them instead?"

"Oh, I am worn from battle.  Besides, you have had the most experience out of all of us.  Working closely with the true Megatron."

Starscream pressed his lips together, trying to ignore the gnawing need to lead in his spark.

"Anyways, consider my offer.  Contact me when you decide to follow," Shatter pushed her face into Starscream's, gazing mightily into his eyes.  "your destiny."

She shuffled away, and a crazy chill darted up Starscream's spine.  He was being ripped in half by his two greatest desires: authority and returning home.  The Accident had presented one of those wishes to Starscream on a silver plater; Megatron was efficient and everything had gone exactly to plan.  But now, total domination could be lost.

Megatron placed a gentle hand on Starscream's shoulder, coaxing his beloved deputy away from his thoughts.  Starscream gasped in shock before calmly looking up at his leader.

"Are you okay?" Megatron gently stroked Starscream's wing before hastily pulling his hand back as he saw Starscream squirm.

"Yes.  It's just...a lot has happened in the last couple of solar cycles."

Megatron nodded, understanding of Starscream's struggle.  He rose his head, the sunlight making a halo around him.  "Cybertronians!  The war is over!  We must return to our homeworld and work together to rebuild it!"

Optimus walked up to Megatron's side, gazing out upon the sea of onlookers.  "My brother is correct.  With all of our combined power, we can restore the Omega Lock and revive Cybertron.  A signal will be cast out upon the universe, summoning all Cybertronian kind to return and start anew."

.   .   .

Starscream busily packed away weaponry in the Nemesis's hangar; all objects of destruction were ordered to be locked up for the time being.  He was alone, and he was glad he was.  His actions were quick, direct, and angry.  Shatter's proposal scared him; his own passion could literally destroy everything that everyone loved and was looking forward to.  He could find some form of leadership on Cybertron, right?  Lead a city.  Yes, that would be nice.

But why just lead a city when he could lead an entire planet?  Or a solar system?  Or a galaxy?

Or the universe.

"Starscream?" Megatron entered the hangar, looking around for the small Seeker.

Starscream jumped as his name was called out, and he scampered sheepishly up to Megatron, his head bowed.  "I am here, my lord."

"No need to call me that anymore.  Just Megatron now."

Starscream nodded and continued to peer at his and Megatron's feet.  He felt tears boil up in his eyes, disturbed by his conflict against himself.  His emotions conquered him, and he rushed forward to Megatron, wrapping his hands around his waist.

"M-Megatron!  I-I don't know..." Starscream shrieked pitifully.

Megatron kneeled down, allowing himself to hug Starscream back.  The deputy furiously cried, and Megatron gently rubbed his back and his wings bounced with every strong, forced breath.

"What's going on?" Megatron asked as he pulled Starscream back, allowing himself to see Starscream's tear stained face.

Starscream shook his head, finding it difficult to speak.  "I-I just...just w-want to...cry!"

Megatron curtly nodded before coddling Starscream against his chest, and Starscream's legs buckled, pulling Megatron downward.  Megatron released a yelp as he toppled onto Starscream, his hands catching him so he wouldn't crush the poor deputy.  Starscream huffed as his back slammed against the ground, and he quickly sat up, placing his hands on Megatron's cheeks.

Starscream rushed forward, pressing his lips against Megatron's mouth.  He pulled away quickly, frightened by his own act.

"Frag it," Starscream muttered.

He teasingly bit Megatron's lower lip a few times, draping his arms over Megatron's large, sturdy shoulders.  Starscream pulled Megatron to the ground, and they cuddled passionately on the freezing floor of the hangar, protected from sight by metal crates.  Starscream's mouth hung ajar as Megatron open mouthed kissed him, their tongues crashing together.

Starscream couldn't resist to moan, and his groans vibrated in his throat.  Megatron broke the kiss, laughing lightly at Starscream's pleasure.

"What?" Starscream smirked impishly as he gazed up into his lover's optics.

"I don't know.  You're just so..."

"Adorable," Starscream finished, and he gasped as Megatron smooched him on the neck, his nerves singing with ecstasy.

"Megatron?  Are you in here?"

Megatron scrambled up, gazing over the reflective boxes.  "Optimus." Megatron rose to his feet and left Starscream on the floor, going over to talk to the former Autobot leader.  "You called me?"

"Yes.  The Autobots, I mean, my Cybertronians have finished preparing for the journey home.  Are you finished?"

As they chatted, Starscream sat up, pressing his back dramatically to the crates, beaming.  His grin was full and joyous, and his love sang inside of him, glorious as ever.  He craved more affection; this was his first lover.  The unfamiliar experience was radiant and brilliant, and Starscream's optics flushed with light.


Starscream yipped as he heard his name be uttered by Megatron, and he pivoted towards the sound.  Megatron was leaning over the crates, beckoning for Starscream to follow.  The Seeker rose, and Megatron picked him up and pulled him over the crates, his arms graceful.  Optimus was gone.  Megatron placed him down and gently pecked Starscream's hand.

"Come.  It is time for us to return to Cybertron."

The Silent Light - A Megatron x Starscream (Megastar) Fanfiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now