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Eadlyn and America's dresses links
Eadlyn: https://sposadresses.com/products/cheap-a-line-lace-beaded-spagheitt-straps-evening-prom-dresses-evening-party-prom-dresses-12188

America: https://www.simibridaldresses.com/products/flowy-chiffon-dark-navy-blue-prom-dresses-v-neck-short-sleeve-long-bridesmaid-dresses-xu90812

Maxon POV

Today is the party. I'm nervous to see all the girls again. Kriss invited the selected's families as well so there will probably be kids and other men there. Marlee and Carter will be there with their kids Kile and Josie. Marlee has worked in the palace since she was caned. Marlee was America's best friend. She goes to America's often and she usually takes Kile with her. I always wondered why. Carter works here too, he continued to work as a guard after my father died. He has since been promoted to a captain but I decided to make Aspen my general.

Even if he and America once dated he still saved my life and America's as well. He has been a great help and confidant over the years. I was even there when he married Lucy. Lucy had been one of America's maids during the selection. She had three total. Lucy, Anne, and Mary. Anne had died in the rebel attack but we never found her body. Mary still worked here but I usually don't see much of her. Though I hear she sometimes visits America. Lucy and Aspen had been married only fourteen years. They didn't have children and I never understood why. Aspen would be a great father and Lucy's kind nature makes her perfect mother material. But they both seemed happy so I guess they just didn't want any.

I finished fixing my tie and adjusted my suit jacket. I took a deep breath and walked down to the party.

America's POV

We walked into the ballroom and I saw Marlee right away. "Marlee!" I yelled and she turned around and walked over to us.

"America! How are you. Eadlyn, Ahren, I see your doing well." she said as she winked.

Marlee knew about the twins and who their dad was. She would bring Kile over and Eadlyn, Ahren, and Kile would play together. Kile and Eadlyn seemed to hate each other though. She would fill me in on what was happening in the palace and I liked hearing about her job and Carter's too. But when she would bring up Maxon the conversation always drifted to why I should just tell him. I always refused.

I sometimes would get annoyed with her and would snap. I debated not talking to her at all at times, but she was there for me when I was in labor and anytime I needed help. She's even risked her life by keeping the twins a secret from Maxon. Which can't be easy since she works for him. She was like a sister to me and even helped me when I grieved for Kenna. Eadlyn and Ahren called her aunt Marlee. She was apart of the family as far as they were concerned.

"Hello Marlee it's been too long since we've seen each other!" I said smiling, knowing that we saw each other last week.

"Yes it has." she said with a giggle. "Come on all the girls are mingling and we're all catching up."

She gestured towards the little groups of women and men. There were some kids around Eadlyn and Ahrens age and I felt better knowing they wouldn't be alone at least.

"I'm actually pretty thirsty. I'm gonna go get a drink." Eadlyn said and she walked to the drink table. Ahren and I walked to the group Marlee had been at and started talking. I was so focused I didn't notice Maxon until I saw him talking to Eadlyn.

My nerves kicked in and I immediately called for her. She came over after curtsying to him. He looked at me with awe. He started to walk towards us when Kriss grabbed his arm and he disappeared into the crowd. I was grateful for her in that moment.

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