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I smiled as I walked to breakfast. Today Maxon and I were going to tell the twins. I had been working on our Christmas ball, which would take place a week after our wedding. By now I was about ten weeks along and it was the last week of November. I still can't believe this is happening. I was still wrapping my mind around the wedding, now I was having another baby with the love of my life.

I wasn't sure how the twins would react but I was expecting something in the area of excitement. Eadlyn has been doing great in school and her and Kile go on dates frequently, much to Maxon's discomfort. I am proud of him though. He is getting better at letting her do things. I think it has something to do with the new baby. Eadlyn also got the lead in her spring musical. She is playing Cinderella and I couldn't be more proud. I love her singing voice and hope she does well.

Ahren has been quiet but I know he is doing well. He will often spend time with Maxon and I in the garden if Eadlyn is busy. Maxon said that the French would be coming to the wedding and that they have a daughter who is around the twins age. I knew that Queen Daphne and Maxon used to be friends and that she said some awful things before the selection. She apparently flirted with Maxon even when he was married to Kriss and tried to make him jealous. It didn't work obviously.

Either way I wasn't looking forward to her visit. I hoped her daughter was different because maybe Ahren could be friends with her. I got to the dining room and sat down. Breakfast was the same. Eadlyn and Ahren filling us in on school and life. I couldn't wait for them to get home from school so we could tell them. Eadlyn has rehearsals until around five. Ahren was going to get some extra tutoring for his biology class, so he wouldn't be home until later too. 

Maxon had a few meetings but I was going to keep him company in his office. He was working on having the space next door used for an office, for me. We learned from the doctor that this was high risk because we were older. This meant I had to be careful and aware of what was happening at all times. Maxon was getting protective. It was cute though he constantly insisted I have a place to sit and was always bringing me whatever I wanted. I hadn't had any cravings yet but according to Maxon I was supposed to notify him immediately when I got one. He slept holding me close to his chest or with his arm around my waist holding my stomach protectively.

After breakfast I was reading in the library. I looked up from my book and looked out the window. It was getting colder and even though it was Angeles I hoped there would be some snow. I walked over and gazed down at the gardens. A walk with Maxon would be perfect right now, but he was in a meeting. I heard the door open and turned to greet my visitor.

Mary poked her head in and smiled when she saw me. "My lady."

"Mary what is it?"

"Your dress is finished."

I smiled back. "May I see it?" I asked excitedly.

"Well I was coming to get so you could try it on. We know your belly will be slightly bigger at the time of the wedding but we left a little bit of room for that."

I followed her to my room and they revealed a beautiful dress on a mannequin. I was short sleeve high collar lace dress. It was fitted past my hips and stopped on my thighs where the skirt billowed out in beautiful waves. There was no sequins or bling which made it more beautiful. On top was a long veil that would drag behind me when I walked down the aisle. Even though I was thirty-four I felt like a little girl in that moment. Mary and Marlee both unbuttoned the back while Paige helped me take off my dress.

I gasped a little at the small bump on my stomach. I hadn't noticed anything yet and every week Maxon checked for one. I felt bad that he didn't get to experience my pregnancy with Eadlyn and Ahren so I let him go crazy for this one. I held my stomach and rubbed my skin. There it was. I heard second time mothers show faster. I wonder why but in any case I certainly began to show fast with the twins. I knew I had to show him right after my fitting. I stepped into the middle of the gown and the girls lifted it up. Sliding my hands through the sleeves I pulled on the top. Marlee started buttoning from the bottom and I held the material to my chest.

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