She's Awake

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I tried to breathe. I felt strange. There was something in my throat and mouth. As I tried to breathe I started choking. I coughed and coughed. As I regained feeling in my arms I tried to grab at the object blocking my airway. Suddenly someone was pulling it from my mouth. As the end of it came out I sat up and coughed. I felt a hand and arm on my back holding me up. I caught my breath and instantly felt weak again. I started to fall back but someone eased me back down. I took a few breaths and felt a hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes and found that the person helping me was my dad.

He was looking at me with a concerned face. My mom and Ahren appeared on the other side. Ahren looked happy while mom looked emotional. "Guards!" dad called over his shoulder. Two guards rushed in. "Get the doctor!" they left at once. I looked around. I was in a bed. It wasn't a hospital bed though. I wasn't in the infirmary.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in your room, love" My dad said with a smile.

"My room?"

"Yes. You were in a coma honey and while you were asleep we had rooms made for you and Ahren."

I looked at my brother. He met my gaze and I could feel my eyes watering but I blinked the tears away. I reached out my hand and he took it. It was then I noticed all the hospital stuff around me. The beeping of the monitor above me and the IV hanging off to the side. I looked down and saw all the wires and things connected to my arms and chest.

My mom put her hand on my leg since she couldn't hold my hand. "It's just equipment sweetheart. Some are for your heartbeat and blood pressure. Some are to give you blood and nutrients. There's nothing to be scared of." her words eased my nervousness.

The door opened and the doctor came in. Dad stepped aside so he could look at me. He checked my eyes, and my heartbeat. He then checked my hearing and speech. Though I hadn't had any trauma to my head they wanted to check to make sure everything was ok. He gave me the ok to sit up and dad moved to the place Ahren had been as they both helped me up. I leaned against the pillows on my bed and took a deep breath.

"How are you feeling?" the doctor asked.

"I feel fine, just tired and confused."

"Do you remember what happened?"

I tried to think back to the last thing I remember. "A little. I think Kriss stabbed me and then I saw mom and dad and then everything went black."

They were all relieved and tense at the same time.

"You were in a coma for a week. You lost a lot of blood and you had to be resuscitated. We are still nervous about the condition of your heart but everything else looks ok." the doctor explained as dad rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

I nodded. "How long until I can go back to normal?"

"Not long. You should take it easy for a few days but after that you can ease back into a normal routine. We will have you come in a couple times a week just to make sure everything's ok but other than that you will be just fine Princess."

My eyes widened. Princess? Even though we had been here a while I had never been addressed that way. Because my dad hadn't told the country about our family we decided to not use titles until then. I guess at some point they had told the people.

"Thank you Dr. Ashlar." he bowed and left the room. "So you told the people?"

"Yes we did. Tonight actually." dad said.

"How did the people receive it?"

"We won't know until tomorrow. But hopefully it will go over smoothly."

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