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I know you probably want to see the reaction of Eadlyn and Ahren but I thought such a big moment for Maxon and America deserved a POV from both. So this will be America's POV.

America POV

I was working on my song list in the kitchen for a party I was doing tomorrow. I usually worked most days but I hadn't had any new gigs this week so I took the opportunity to relax. Mom was drinking tea at the table in the breakfast nook across from the counter. For some reason I couldn't shake this feeling that something was happening.

I kept thinking about the reunion party. Nobody seemed to notice Eadlyn and Ahren's resemblance so I was somewhat able to enjoy the party. It all came to a halt when I saw Maxon talking with Eadlyn. I had never been more nervous in my life. I pulled her away and avoided Maxon the rest of the party.

I heard yesterday that he visited her school but I told myself they wouldn't see each other. There are hundreds of kids at that school what's the chance they see each other? 

I took a sip of my coffee when I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it mom." I walked through the hallway and fixed my shirt before unlocking the door. Nothing could have prepared me for the person I would see on the other side.

It was Maxon. He stared at me with those beautiful brown eyes. He had aged a little but the boy I knew was now a man. He still looked incredibly fit and his hair though now shorter and neatly brushed was still blonde with little grey's peeking through the sides. He had a few laugh lines around his eyes and he looked tired but the years that past aged him very well.

I stared back my mouth open. He took a breath and spoke. His expression turned from a stunned one to a serious one. The sound of his voice made my heart swoon. I cursed inwardly as I glance at his wedding ring. "Hello America. I think we need to talk."

"Maxon what are you doing here?" I asked trying to remain calm. "I would really prefer to talk about this inside." He said as he motioned towards the house. I closed the door a bit more shielding his view with my body. "I don't think that's a good idea." I said slightly nervous. He spoke again this time sounding more annoyed. "I think we should." I remained where I was. No way. The twins wouldn't be at school much longer and I wasn't prepared to handle this right now.

He stepped closer to me and my heart raced. My breathing picked up slightly. "America I know this is out of the blue but we need to talk." I huffed out a sigh and opened the door so he could step inside. He thanked me and I closed the door behind him. My mind started racing with why he could be here. It couldn't be the twins. Even if he suspected there was no real proof. Nothing but my word linking them which I was not going to give him. "America who is it?" My mother's voice shaking me out of my thoughts. I walked to the kitchen. "It's the king mom." I heard Maxon's footsteps following me. Mom went to curtsy but Maxon stopped her and smiled. God how I missed that smile.

"I need to speak to America alone if that's alright?" She nodded and let me know she would be upstairs. "Ok." I said annoyed. We walked to the living room and I sat down on the couch as he stood by a window. "Ok what is it? Why are you here and why do you need to speak with me?" I said trying to hide the fear inside me. When he spoke his tone was more firm and angry. "First off, I'm going to be asking the questions. You are going to answer them for me and I'm going to try not to be upset." I clenched my jaw. "Fine."

Then he said the one thing I dreaded hearing above everything else. "Why didn't you tell me about Eadlyn and Ahren?"

NO! My eyes widened in shock. The one thing I prayed he wouldn't find out.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Oh don't lie. They are my children aren't they? My twins?"

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