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It had been a couple days since I woke up. I had spent the majority of today in bed. I was allowed to get up and walk around but dad insisted that either him or mom be around to help me in case I fell or something. Honestly I felt fine. I was restless but that was only because there was one person I wanted to see above anyone else. It was two-thirty. I decided to skip dad's rules and went over to my balcony.

The doors were opened and the autumn air was blowing lightly into my room. I inhaled deeply. Ever since I woke up I cherished every little thing. Every breeze, every sound, every taste and touch. It all meant so much more after what I experienced.

I walked back into my room. I put on sweatpants and a comfy sweater. It was soft and hung loosely around my stomach. I pulled my hair back into a medium-high ponytail. I pulled some strands lose near the front. This was the most casual I had felt all week. I went back out and leaned over the edge resting my body against my crossed arms.

Tomorrow I would go back to school. Tomorrow I would face the reality of my title. My new name and residence was out. I would never be left alone again. The days of sitting in the back of the classroom and staying out of the spotlight were over. I knew I would have to deal with it eventually. I just wish it wasn't so soon.

I let my thoughts wonder. I found myself thinking about him again. I looked down and studied the gardens. It would be winter in a few months and the flowers would all wilt away. But with that came halloween, thanksgiving, and Christmas. My first with my whole family. My first with my father.

I was so distracted and lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice the figure walking around the gardens until he stopped in my line of sight. My face lit up. I dashed from the room, stopping momentarily in front of the mirror to make sure I look presentable. I ran past the guards who looked unsure of what to do. I didn't care if they told my father. I didn't even care that I shouldn't be running. I wasn't thinking about my body healing I was only focused on him.

I made my way to the second floor when I heard the voice of my dad and mom coming up the stairs. I panicked and hid behind the nearest vase. I prayed they wouldn't walk in this direction. Their voices grew louder and I tried to breathe as quietly as possible.

"Maybe we should go check on Eadlyn?" My mom said. "She's been in her room all day, she could use some fresh air or maybe just some company."

Fate did not hear my plea. They walked right past me as I covered my mouth and stood completely still. Time seemed to slow down as they passed me. When they were far enough away I moved to the opposite side of the vase. "I think that sounds wonderful. I miss my girl. Maybe we could..."

I didn't hear the rest of what dad said. I made my way to the main floor and hoped to god I could convince the guards not to say anything. I made my way closer and one of the guards stepped in front of me. "I'm sorry Your Highness, you need to go back to your room."

"No please. I need to go outside."

"I'm sorry but you can't princess. Your father has forbidden it without permission. You need to go back upstairs."

"I'm the princess and you will let me out."

He blocked the doors and tried to pull me away. I continued to argue. "Let me through please?!"

"Let her go!" I turned towards the noise. "Let her go now!" general Leger said more forcefully.

"But General the King said-"

"I don't care. Let her go outside."

I smiled and the guard stood aside. I opened the door. "Don't tell your father I let you do this. He will not be happy."

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