The Reception

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I walked through the gardens while all the guests filed into the great hall for our reception. Eadlyn and Ahren had run upstairs to fix themselves before going in. I decided I would try to figure out what was bothering Maxon.

I found him sitting on our bench as per usual. He had his head down and was fidgeting with his ring. His face conveyed feelings of worry and sadness. I couldn't understand what had happened between our wedding and now to make him this way but I wouldn't let it spoil this day.

I cleared my head and made my way to him. "Hey."

He looked up and his lips turned up into a smile. It didn't quite reach his eyes. "Hello my darling. Are you alright?" he stood and took my hands in his.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You looked worried. What's going on?"

He sighed and looked down at his feet. "America-"

"Maxon tell me whats wrong please." I guided back to the bench and we sat still holding hands. His eyes were focused on my stomach. I wondered if he regretted having this baby with me. But then I remembered how happy he was when we found out.

"I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I'm scared I'll be like my father. With the twins I wasn't worried because they had already been raised by you. There's not a lot left for me to do. But with this baby. I feel like I'll screw up or turn into him. He wasn't always cruel. When I was younger he wasn't mean. He wasn't exactly a father but he treated me like his son. But as I grew he became worse and worse. I'm worried that as our baby grows up I'll somehow become twisted like my father."

I held his face in my hands and he leaned into my touch. I lifted his head so we were looking at each other. "Maxon Calix Schreave. That will not happen, do you know why?" He shook his head. "Because you weren't only raised by Clarkson Schreave. You also had the most wonderful mother a prince could ask for. She is the reason you are not a greedy, cruel, abusive king. You are your mothers son. I know you and I know that you would die for our children. You would never lift a finger to hurt them because you know better. Maybe it was the combination of abuse from your father and love from your mother but you learned. You are going to spoil this child rotten. We are going to have to hire the strictest nanny possible just to even it out."

He chuckled at that. "No strict nannies. Happy nannies only. You really believe that I'll be a good father."

"Maxon I know you think that because you didn't raise the twins from birth that you're not fully their father but you are. You are already an amazing father to our children. Eadlyn and Ahren love you. Trust me. You will be the best father to our baby."

He smiled and looked down at my bump. His hand rested gently on it. He looked back up to me and grabbed my face with both hands. He pulled me toward him and kissed me. It was so gentle yet filled with so much passion. All of the love in his heart poured into the kiss.

Too soon we pulled apart and he placed his hands on my belly again. We stared at my stomach holding our child. After a little while we decided to go back inside. We walked in and everyone started to clap as we were announced. Eadlyn and Ahren were sitting in their seats at the head table, along with the rest of our wedding party.

Ahren sat beside Maxon and I took my place to his left next to Eadlyn. She kissed my cheek and I held her from the side with my other arm coming up and holding her cheek.

Soon dinner was served and it was amazing as always. I nibbled and sipped my champagne as I talked with my husband and children as well as other members of my family that were present. eventually Maxon and i finished and decided to get up and visit everyone at their tables.

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