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I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked up and saw I was still laying on dad's chest. I smiled and snuggled closer. I closed my eyes and tried to savor this moment. I wanted to save every little minute I spent with my father. I knew we couldn't make up sixteen years but I would make sure to treasure every moment from now on.

As I settled down again I felt dad's grip on my shoulder tighten a little. He inhaled and I knew I woke him up. He was still in his suit though he had shed his jacket, I knew that it must be uncomfortable to sleep in it but he did, for me. I felt a kiss on my head.

"Morning love." he said quietly so he didn't wake up mom or Ahren.

"Morning daddy. Did you sleep ok?"

"I slept better knowing my daughter was safe in my arms. How are you feeling? Still feeling weak?"

"Only a little. I feel better. Stronger now that I've rested." I yawned and shook my head slightly.

I heard rustling on the other side of the bed. When I opened my eyes again mom was looking at me. She smiled and cupped my face. I leaned into her touch. she moved her thumb along the apple of my cheek.

"Hi baby girl. Did you sleep ok?"

"Yes Mama. When did you and Ahren decide to sneak into bed?"

"Well about twenty minutes after I left I came back and saw Ahren curled up at your feet. The lights were on and your dad still had his shoes and socks on. I turned the lights off and grabbed a blanket for Ahren. Then I got as much as I could off your dad and decided to stay with you all."

"Thank you my dear." He gave mom a kiss.

Maybe it was weird of me but I felt so happy seeing them kiss. For years mom was alone and I knew she wished to have someone. Seeing my parents together and in love filled me with joy.

They both looked at me. I smiled back and reached my arm over to hold moms shoulder. I pulled them in for a hug and squeezed as tight as I could. They hugged me back. "I love you. Thank you for being here for me. I'm really scared to become a princess but I know I can do it with you here to help me."

"We love you too Eadlyn. So so much." Mom said.

"So very much. You are our precious little girl and we would walk through fire to help you." Dad added.

Suddenly there was stirring and I turned to see Ahren awake. He rubbed his eyes, wiping the sleep out of them. I sat up as best I could and mom and dad both shifted as they sat up. Ahren and I stared for a moment before I opened my arms. He crawled up and reached out hesitantly. I assumed he was afraid to hurt me and didn't know what to do. I threw my arms around him and held him tight. He paused for a moment before he held me back. We clung to each other. I could feel the tears coming. He wasn't just my brother. He was my twin and I almost lost him. We were two halves of a heart. He knew me better than anyone and I knew him better than anyone. The weight of my situation hit hard as we started crying into each other.

"Don't you ever do that again Eadlyn. You hear me? From now on you stay awake and alive!"

"I promise Ahren, I won't ever leave you. I love you so much."

I heard sniffling behind us and knew mom and dad were getting emotional. I held on for a minute longer before letting go and wiping my eyes. "Ok ok that's enough crying. I want to smile. I want to laugh. Let's go do something."

"Eadlyn, you just woke up you shouldn't be walking about. You need to rest."

"I just rested for a whole week dad I'm ready to get out of bed. Please?"

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