The Fight

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Eadlyn POV

It had been a week since dad took us to the palace. I still went to school though I had to leave a little early and now took a royal car. In an effort to keep people from finding out about us just yet Ahren and I were dropped off away from the rest of the students. Only my principal and a few of our teachers knew the truth. Dad was working on changing our last name which wasn't hard. The hard part was keeping it from people until he announced his divorce and explained the situation to Illéa. He was very nervous of the publics reaction. He knew they loved mom but didn't want it to seem like he was just abandoning Kriss. I was scared of the attention I might receive from the other kids. Normally royal children were taught by tutors but because we had only received a public education and weren't officially royal yet, we attended regular school.

I realized that once dad and mom married that I would be the heir. Dad was going to change the law to allow me to be the next ruler of Illéa, even though I was a woman. Part of me thought it was cool, but I had not been prepared for this. Dad was trained from birth to be king and I was going to learn how to be a queen in only a few years. He said that I could start working with him when I got home from school. It so strange to think of the palace as home but that's what it was. To me home isn't the place where I grew up nor where I lived. Home was where my family was.

I smiled to myself as I looked in the mirror. The maids had made me a pretty blue blouse that paired with grey pants and a pair of heels. I wore a blazer over top and it made me look older and more mature. My hair was pulled back into a bun. I wore pearl earrings and simple makeup. I took one last look and walked to meet with dad.

I knocked on his door and opened it a little. He was sitting at his desk with his reading glasses on. He had a paper in his hand but looked up when I stepped inside. "Hi sweetheart." he smiled as I closed the door and walked over to his desk. "You look very nice. Very royal." I blushed. I still wasn't used to the idea of princess. Even if mom wasn't queen yet I was still technically princess. "Hi daddy. What are you working on?"

"Just a report. How was school?"

"It was good. Boring and slow, but it was good."

He chuckled. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, wanting to be productive.

He looked up at me. "If you really want, you can help me with this speech. We are hosting the Swendish royal family next month and I need to make a dinner speech. Oh that reminds me you're going to need a dress since we will have announced everything by then."

"Ok. I will gladly help you with your speech." I sat down and we both worked for a couple hours. The clock chimed and I looked up to see the time. It was four in the afternoon. Dad looked up from his work again and set his glasses down. "Want to go meet everybody downstairs? Maybe we can do something before dinner?"

"Ok. I want to put something more comfy on first."

"Alright I will meet you down there then." we left and I headed to my room to put on some leggings and a sweater. I took my hair out and put it into a side braid. I leaned down to put my flats on. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and I felt a cold sensation on my throat. A hand covered my mouth. "If you scream I will slit your throat." the voice said menacingly. I stayed silent. The person took me through a hidden door and down a dark hallway. We went down some stairs and walked a bit more before they pushed on another door and it opened into the Womens Room. I saw my whole family but their backs were turned. We walked out of the dark and the voice spoke again. "Hello Maxon."

Maxon POV

I was waiting for Eadlyn with America and Ahren when I heard a voice behind me. "Hello Maxon." I turned to see Kriss holding a knife to Eadlyn's throat. I tensed and tried to stay calm. I was terrified. I didn't know what Kriss would do.

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