Authors note

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating. I'm having a lot of writers block and I have a few scenes that I'm going to write but they take place further along in the story. I am also having a hard time because there aren't many comments and it's hard to tell what people like or dislike. It would really help if you guys could suggest some filler chapters or maybe things you want to see in between the big moments. For now I am focusing on Eadlyn and Ahren adjusting and Maxon and America's new relationship. I know that I want to have Kile and Eikko in it but I'm not sure what I want to do yet. Also let me know if you want to see more from Ahren and if you want me to add in Camille. Also I've been thinking about Osten and Kaden and I'm trying to decide if I want to add them in. Though yes the ages and time between siblings would be different I just felt bad leaving them out. But yeah. I would really love to hear your comments. I love all of you and I really want you to enjoy this book. Please comment guys. I'll try to update as soon as I can. ❤️❤️❤️

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