I Love You

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The publics response to the news of the twins and I was mostly good. As expected the people mourned the loss of Kriss but thankfully they weren't upset with Maxon. Some demanded she be buried in the royal cemetery but Maxon still refused.

Eadlyn and Ahren were going to school today and Maxon and I wanted to see them off. Just to make sure they would be ok. Ahren had been dealing with the press and people coming up to him. Eadlyn however would be new to this.

I finished getting dressed and made my way downstairs. I hadn't spoken to Maxon since we fought. I didn't have any interest. He needed to accept the fact that she wasn't little anymore.

Eadlyn and Ahren were sitting at the dining table eating pancakes and drinking tea and orange juice. I sat down at one end of the table knowing that Maxon's place was at the other end. Usually I would sit next to him,  but at the moment I had no interest.

I was drinking my coffee when Maxon walked in. He took notice of where I was sitting and proceeded to take his usual seat. We talked to the twins not wanting them to know we were fighting. When we all finished we made our way to the car. Maxon sat next to Ahren and I sat across from them next to Eadlyn.

When we got to the school the press was already there. Maxon got out first followed by Ahren. He held a hand out for me and then helped Eadlyn. The principal was waiting in front of the school for us. We shook hands and she curtsied to Maxon. The guards we brought with us were holding people back. We were quickly ushered inside as to avoid the crowd. Eadlyn said she needed to go to her locker so we walked to Ahren's class first.

Maxon and I spoke with the teacher thanking her for her discretion and explaining that nothing should change. Ahren and Maxon hugged and I gave him a kiss on his cheek. The kids in the class were watching us and I gave them a wave to acknowledge them.

We left to find Eadlyn and saw she was talking to a friend. I recognized Claire immediately. She was one of Eadlyn's close friends. She curtsied as we approached but Maxon stopped her.

"There's no need for that. I see you are a friend of my daughter's. I hope you will keep her company through this adjustment."

"Of course Your Majesty." she said very politely. I liked Claire. She had long dirty blonde hair that was slightly curled and beautiful blue eyes. Her skin tone was similar to Eadlyn's though she was just a bit more tan. She was a little taller than Eadlyn. She wore a pink skirt with a white blouse that went to her elbows. She had on cute white flats and diamond stud earrings. She was sixteen as well which made her perfect for Eadlyn and her kind and selfless nature meant she would be a good influence for my headstrong and impulsive daughter. She was a singer and actress like Eadlyn and they had a theater class together. From what Eadlyn told me they were both going to audition for the musical this year. It was going to be decided by the music teacher very soon.

I was excited to see them both in it and hoped Eadlyn would get a good part. Claire said goodbye to Eadlyn and left to go to her first period. Maxon held out his arm for her and we walked to her first period. Geometry. Her teacher was standing by the door with a bright smile. We shook hands.

"Hello my name is Mrs. Doherty its a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty and Ms. Singer."

"Thank you. I know we met at open house but I wanted to talk for a moment."

"Of course."

We walked a few feet away from the door and spoke in hushed voices. "Eadlyn suffered a lot of pain since she got hurt. I realize that she is going to have to catch up on a lot of work but I don't want to overwhelm her with everything. I know she has to follow the standard like anyone else but is there a way you could give her extra time. Just until she develops a routine."

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