The Report

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Maxon POV

It was Friday. Eadlyn had been in a coma for a week now. The doctors said that her body was trying to compensate for the blood loss and heal her internal organs. They predicted she would wake up in the next few days. It so hard seeing her like this. She looked beautiful even with all the wires from her arms and her chest. The only thing that was off was the big tube in her mouth that went all the way to her lungs forcing her body to take in air until it could do it on its own.

When we first saw her the doctor came in and told us what happened during the surgery. Apparently she had flatlined once and they were able to bring her back but she was so weak and her body was still so young that it was harsh on her. We worried for her heart since heart problems run in America's family. I was convinced she was a fighter though.

I took in her appearance. I used to think she looked exactly like mom but as I studied her face closely I could see differences. While Eadlyn had brown hair and brown eyes and similar face shape, she was still a mix of me and America. She had my lips and America's smile. Her eyes matched mine but the look in them was her mom all the way. Her skin tone wasn't quite the same either. Mom had a full tan. Eadlyn had a paler look. No doubt from her mom. I realized she was my mom with America's features peeking through.

I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb as I held it. She was so small compared to me. My hands nearly covered her whole hand. I listened to the heart monitor and breathing machine. I was spending as much time as I could before I had to go to the Report. I remembered how the day after the surgery, America woke me up so I could clean myself up and eat but I couldn't leave her. It took everything in me to tear myself away. It made my heart ache but having America by my side eased the pain slightly. I couldn't understand how she was being so calm. At first she couldn't hold herself together but now she was a vision of strength. I guess in her mind she could stay strong knowing Eadlyn's chances were good. A darker part of me - perhaps the jealous side, said it was because she had all this time so it must be different. I had only truly had her for a week and now I was by her bedside everyday.

"Maxon? It's time." America said walking into the room. We had moved Eadlyn to her bedroom. America and I shared a room and I had the staff decorate rooms for the twins. We all helped with Eadlyn's. The walls had been painted purple and the bed had an ombre white that turned to grey on the bottom. Her bed was queen sized and had white and purple pillows decorated with sparkles and fake gems on some of them. I had a vanity and desk put in as well. I couldn't wait to show her when she woke up.

I stood and kissed her hand. "We'll be back soon baby girl. I promise."

"Don't worry she will be safe and sound with me." Marlee said as she walked over to sit where I had been sitting. Whenever we had to leave Marlee watched her. When it wasn't Marlee it was Lucy. When it wasn't Lucy it was Mary. It gave us comfort knowing our closest friends would watch over our daughter for us. Every spare moment we had we spent with her. When Ahren came home from school he would come in here and do his work. He'd talk to Eadlyn about school and that her friends missed her. I had explained to her teachers and principal why she wouldn't be there for a little while. Me and America agreed that since they had already started school that they would finish that year. But I made her promise me that we would pull them out if it became too much for either of them to handle with the announcement being tonight. I was nervous of what would happen and how they would be treated. I planned a speech explaining Kriss and what she did and why we were getting a divorce. I would have to reveal America and the twins before that but I just didn't want anyone to think I had abandoned Kriss or worse killed her on purpose. Gavril was going to interview a couple witnesses later this week.

I offered my arm to America and she took it. We both took one last look before walking out. When we entered the studio Gavril came over to us. "Are you ready Your Majesty?" I nodded and he did the same. He swept his arm out and we moved to the stage. America sat off to the side with Ahren as they waited to be introduced. I noticed that Ahren looked depressed. I guess it was harder than I thought. Having a sister in a coma was hard enough but having a twin must be like torture. As far as I could tell they needed each other. She was his other half and their bond went deeper than just siblings. She was his best friend and knew everything about him just as he knew everything about her. He looked up at me when America whispered something and I gave a light smile and a nod. I tried to show support and love. He smiled back but looked at the ground and shook his head.

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