Another one?

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I woke up in Maxon's arms. I'm so glad we made up. I can't stay mad at him and the truth is I think I will always feel guilty for not telling him about the kids. I know we still have to talk about the sixteen years that have passed, but that can wait.

I sigh and snuggle closer to his chest. I feel his arms tighten around my back. He kisses my forehead and I smile. "Good morning my love."

"Good morning."

"How did my queen sleep?" He moves stray hairs out of my face. "I slept fine my handsome king."

I giggle and he smirks. He leans in and kisses me. I cradle his face in my hands. I pull back and we lean our foreheads together.

It had been a month since our fight. We had spent some time rebuilding what we lost. Our wedding was going to be in a few weeks. Over the past month I had finalized and approved many details. The guest list was set, we ordered the flowers, my dress was almost finished. Things were coming along great. The plan today was to finalize the menu.

"Ok. I need to go get ready for today. I have a lot of tasting to do."

He groaned and buried his face in my neck. "Noooo."

"Yes. You have to let go so I can get up. I need to shower and get dressed."

"I prefer you like this. With no clothes right here in my arms."

I giggled as he attacked my neck with kisses. I pushed against his chest. "I would love to stay here but I have a wedding to plan and you have a kingdom to run."

He reluctantly let me go. I turned and threw off the covers. When I stood I immediately felt dizzy. "Oh."

Maxon sat up. "Are you alright darling?"

I nodded. "I just got a little lightheaded." I moved away from the bed but after a few steps my legs gave out. "America!" I heard him get out of bed and run up behind me. He held out an arm for me to hold onto and his other wrapped around my waist. I steadied myself and looked up at him.

"Are you ok? What was that?" Maxon asked in alarm. "I don't know." I felt a wave of nausea. "I think I'm going to be sick."

Maxon scooped me up and rushed me to the bathroom. He put me in front of the toilet and pulled back my hair just as I threw up. He rubbed my back. When I was done he handed me some water. I rinsed my mouth and spit in the sink. I drank the rest and set the cup on the counter. "Sorry. Don't know what that was."

"It's ok. Are you ok now?"

"Yeah." I reached for the bin under the sink that had my pads and tampons. I looked at my little calendar and realized that I was late. I couldn't remember when my last period was and clearly forgot to mark it.

I put in a liner and put the rest back. I wasn't too concerned. Sometimes it can be delayed from stress and given the past couple of months, I wouldn't be surprised if my cycle was thrown off just a little. But still, a month of nothing. I was starting to question it.

I made a mental note to check with Dr. Ashlar just in case. I didn't tell Maxon though. I got dressed and we went down to breakfast together. The kids were already eating and looked up as we walked in. I smiled back and went to kiss Eadlyn on her head. I kissed Ahren next and sat down next to Maxon.

"Good morning."

"Good morning mom and dad." Eadlyn replied. "Morning." Ahren said half asleep.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Fine." they both said.

Eadlyn had recovered pretty quickly and was able to start preparing for the musical the school would be putting on near the end of the school year. The drama teacher announced that it would be Cinderella by Rodgers and Hammerstein. Eadlyn was excited and couldn't wait to audition for the lead. She was all caught up and was doing great in school. The twins both said that people still bothered them because they were royalty but the staff had done a good job of making sure they left them alone. 

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