All is Revealed

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And here it is. The chapter you've been waiting for. Maxon finally properly meets his kids.

America and Maxon scramble out of bed. Maxon grabs his boxers and puts them on as quick as he can. America found her bra but was still looking for her panties when they heard Eadlyn getting closer. They both started panicking more. Maxon found her shirt and handed to her. She put it on while he grabbed his pants which thankfully had the belt in them already. Eadlyn heard shuffling behind her moms and door and was very suspicious. 

"Mom are you ok?" she asked outside her door. America's room had double doors and was at the end of the hall on the left side of the house. "I'm fine honey. Just go start on your homework."

Eadlyn didn't believe her mother but she knew when her mother asked her to do something that she needed to listen. Ahren gave her a questioning look to which she just shrugged. They walked to their rooms.

Maxon and America continued to redress themselves. Maxon quickly buttoned his shirt. He gave America a nod. She peeked out of the bedroom to make sure the coast was clear. They both agreed that she would talk to them before he met them. She took a few steps out of the room and he poked his head out as he followed her. They walked downstairs. Magda was in the kitchen. They had almost reached the door when a voice cut through the silence.

"King Maxon!" Eadlyn yelled.

They both turned in fear. Panic written across their faces. She stood there in shock. "What are you doing here Your Majesty?" she started walking down the stairs and Ahren came out of his room when he heard her. 

"Uh...I uh....uh." He tried to think of something. But nothing would explain why he was sneaking out of their house with their mother. Ahren and Eadlyn looked at their mom.

"Ok. There's something we need to tell you. Actually to be fair, something I should have told you a while ago." she motioned towards the living room. The twins walked to the living room and Maxon and America whispered quickly.

"Are we really doing this now?" he asked a bit unprepared to meet his own kids.

"We don't have a choice. They saw us." she looked down. Her eyes widened and she quickly added. "Your fly is down."

He quickly fixed it before the twins could notice. He smoothed his hair as she did the same forgetting how messy it was. They nodded and walked into the living room.

Eadlyn and Ahren were both very curious as to why the king of Illéa was in their house. They both sat and waited on edge. Eadlyn was slightly freaked out. First he had talked to her at the reunion and then when she saw him at school he acted so strange. Now he was in her house. Something was definitely going on she thought.

Their parents took a deep breath and America spoke. "Remember how I told you that your dad was a photographer who was shot in the chest and died?" they both nodded. "Well he did like photography but he wasn't a photographer, and he was shot in the chest but he didn't die." they were taken aback. Their mom had lied to them basically since they were born. They both glanced at Maxon and he swallowed. His nervousness starting to show.

"So, who is our father?" Ahren said finally asking the question they had been waiting for her to answer. But it was the king who spoke up this time.

"I am." he said standing taller as he stepped closer. Eadlyn's mouth dropped open and Ahren looked down as he tried to process what they had just been told. America was getting scared. Neither of them were saying anything and after a few minutes her started to pick up speed.

"How long?" Eadlyn asked.

"What?" Maxon replied.

"How long have you known you were our father?" she didn't look at him. Her gaze fixed on the coffee table in front of her. Tears filling her eyes.

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