The Affair

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Eadlyn POV

We spent the rest of the afternoon with each other. Mom, Ahren, and I told stories about our childhood so dad would feel included in our lives a bit better. We talked until dad had to go. It was five in the evening and by the time he got back it would be five-thirty. I really didn't want him to go. I just got my father back and now he had to leave and I didn't know when he would be able to come back.

"I love you sweetheart." He kissed my forehead and a tear fell down my cheek. God I was so sick of crying. I think we all cried enough today to last us forever. He wiped it away and held my face.

"Hey what's wrong? Eadlyn, don't cry."

I shook my head. "I just don't want you to leave. We just got you back and now you have to go." He pulled me close. "I know, I know." he shushed me and tried to comfort me.

"He'll be back soon sunshine. He won't be gone for long." My mom said trying to help. It didn't work. A twenty minute drive and a couple of free hours might be doable for any other man who found out he was a father but for a king who has to run a country, I knew that was better said than done.

"But you'll be so busy all the time. How will you be able to come back soon?"

He was silent for a second before he turned to mom. "I have an idea."

"Ok what is it?" she asked skeptically.

"Why don't you all just come with me?"


"Yeah. We have room in the palace and you are my family so you have every right to be there."

"Maxon I don't know. Kriss and I aren't the best of friends and I think if I bring our kids into the mix it's going to make things worse."

"She's not going to do anything and if she tries to hurt you or keep this marriage going I swear I will protect all of you with everything I have."

"Still Maxon it doesn't sound well planned out."

"Oh please mommy please?" I never called mom 'mommy' anymore. This was me using my little girl charm. Dad, Ahren, and I all looked at mom with pleading eyes.

"You should go." We all turned and looked at grandma. "No I can't leave you here mom."

"I'll be fine. I did live on my own at one point or another."

"You could come with us Magda? We have plenty of room." dad added.

"No that's alright. I think it might be better if I visit once everything has been settled."

"If you're sure mom?"

"I'm sure." 

Mom looked at dad. The resistance was dying in her eyes. "But we aren't packed."

"They make clothes at the palace."

"We couldn't."

"You could. You've done it before remember?"

"Yeah but-" she stopped. One look at us and she knew she had lost this fight. "Oh alright."

We all smiled and me and Ahren hugged dad. We walked out to the cars and mom said she was going to take her car but dad insisted we take his car. It had enough room to fit us all. Grandma was waving from the porch. But before we left dad did something that left us all speechless.

"America wait a sec. Before we get there and all hell breaks loose as it tends to do, I wanted to give you something that I thought would never see the light of day again. But I brought it just in case we were able to make up. Thankfully we did."

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