The Wedding

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Its here!! Tell me if you want different points of view from each other the family which will extend the wedding and delay the reception and the *cough cough* wedding night. But let me know. Maybe Ahren finally gets a chapter. Let me know. Anyway on with the chapter. (Btw I'm christian so this ceremony will be based off christian ceremony for royals I'm sorry if anyone is offended but thats how I wanted to write it.)


I ran my hands over my dress again. Smoothing out the fabric. Today I would become Mrs. America Schreave. I smiled to myself. Finally, after being apart for so long we were going to be man and wife. We would never be separated again. I stared at myself in the mirror as Eadlyn appeared at my side. She looked beautiful. Her dress was creme with blue and gold designs on the skirt.

"You look beautiful mom. Dad will be amazed when he sees you." She placed a hand on my arm.

"I know. I still feel like something could go wrong. It doesn't feel real."

"You and dad are finally getting your happily ever after. Ahren and I are so happy." She fixed a pin in my hair. Marlee had pulled my hair back into a beautiful bun. I wore gold teardrop diamond earrings. Even for my wedding I still wanted simple jewelry. 

Eadlyn put her hand on my belly. We smiled together. "I'm so happy for my sibling mom. I can't believe you're twelve weeks. In six months I will have a little brother or sister. Dad will get to raise one of his babies."

I thought back to his face two weeks ago. When I asked him he said that he had a headache and it had nothing to do with our children. I left it alone but it still bugged me.

"Ok everyone it's time." Marlee called out. May, Marlee, Lucy and Eadlyn all walked to the door. I took one last deep breath and made my way out to the closed double doors leading to the aisle and Maxon. I heard the music. Canon by Pachelbel. Lucy went first, then Marlee, then May. Eadlyn kissed my cheek and walked around the corner. Finally it was my turn. I heard everyone stand and then a guard nodded for me to walk. 

I turned the corner and heard gasps from everyone. I didn't know if it was from my small visible bump or from my dress but I smiled widely. I walked in time with the music holding tightly to my bouquet. I nodded to my guests and as I reached the end of the aisle I saw him. He looked so handsome in his regal kingly attire. It was much fancier than the Prince uniform from the selection. More medals and a darker shade of blue than before. I made my way up the steps and the music stopped. The priest motioned for everyone to take their seats and I handed the bouquet to my daughter. She beamed at us. I turned to look at Maxon's groomsmen and saw my son next to him. Then Gerad, then Carter, and Finally Aspen.

Maxon leaned over. "You look beautiful, my dear."

"Don't start." He chuckled. 

"Dearly beloved we gather here today in the sight of god to join together this man and this woman. If anyone knows a reason these two may not be lawfully married please speak now or forever hold your peace." Silence. I smiled. "King Maxon and Lady America the vows you are about to make are to be made in the presence of god who knows all the secrets of our hearts, therefore, if either of you knows a reason you may not lawfully marry please say it now or forever hold your peace." we smiled at each other. "King Maxon, will you take Lady America to be your wife? Will you love her and comfort her? Honor and protect her? And forsaking all other be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I will." Maxon replied without hesitation.

"Lady America, will you take King Maxon to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort him, Honor and protect him, and forsaking all others be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

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